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> There's a logical difference between saying "a lot of chinese students are cheaters" and "chinese student is most likely a cheater".

Where does the article say Chinese students are most likely cheaters?? I've see this claim repeated multiple times in this thread. Nobody can point out where that is mentioned.

If you could rewrite the article, how would you rewrite it? Would you mention the Chinese at all or just claim that this particular business, Fanyi Translation [1] [2], is helping students cheat, and not mention that they cater to Chinese speakers?

> And second thing is that modern morality is based on assumption of best in people

That's a great attitude and I hope more people can embrace it. Let's begin by fostering trust and call a spade a spade. The article is talking about facts that happened. Students cheated. The article is not saying that the cheaters are bad people. In fact, it says the opposite and demonstrates an understanding of the students.

The article acknowledges that the students know they broke the rules and wish to move on. End of story. The implication for the rest of us is that this doesn't just happen in Iowa, and this thread is a discussion about how to help students, schools and government identify problems and issue corrections for the benefit of all parties. There is nothing wrong with openly talking about an existing problem.

If you are offended by that, I can't help you. This is the way we solve problems in America.

[1] https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=zh-CN&tl=en&...

[2] http://archive.is/XNZD1

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