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How will you modify a giant lookup table where the values are fixed in hardware? It's read-only. It's almost like saying a metal pipe is unhackable: it's just a piece of hardware.

(barring breaking into the hosting provider, going to the machine and re-synthesizing the hardware, or messing with other layers between users and the host)

  How will you modify a giant lookup table where the values 
  are fixed in hardware? It's read-only.
So what? The Heartbleed attack didn't modify OpenSSL at all, yet it was a colossally awful vulnerability. "The running process cannot be modified" does not mean it is "unhackable". A static lookup table could still enable all sorts of awful bugs. How do you guarantee all the entries are good, and don't have any unfortunate side-effects?

I asked for a link so I could evaluate the actual system, rather than debate its theoretical merits.

But then read-only just means unmodifiable? How does it matter whether it's a lookup table or CPU code in ROM or whatever? And the OP said "mathematically unhackable", not unmodifiable. But for me it seems completely in the open what that means, and I support my fellow poster asking for a link.

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