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Wow. Any ideas on how this got there? I just don't see the motivation there. Rogue addon at the factory? I don't see what use a battery manufacturer would have from a remote backdoor. I thought USB battery chargers were "dumb" devices.

>> "I thought USB battery chargers were "dumb" devices."

They are, but they offer "software" for stupid people who like installing crap. (I actually own this battery charger, it's pretty neat).

Oh, by "dumb" I meant that they do not actually exchange data with the host, just their device descriptor. Having read the Symantec link elsewhere in the comments, I see this is indeed the case. So you actually have to download the software yourself?

Yeah, you download the software yourself from the internet.

That said, it appears that the charger does communicate with the software on the host computer to tell it how well charged the batteries are.

Did you install the software? If it's neat does the software have any point to it?

No I didn't install it. The charger has a light to say if the batteries are charged. I don't want some crappy poorly written big flashy dial popping up on my computer to say my batteries are 75% done.

So I don't know, it probably just displays a dial, some adverts for batteries, etc

The only machine in the factory in the cheap third world country with a CD burner was also the only one connected to the internet - so was the one that the techies browsed porn on and so was infected with everything.

ps. if you think this is unlikely - take a look at the crap on your CEO/CFO/salesman's laptops sometime.

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