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Apt-get for Hardware (hplusmagazine.com)
26 points by kanzure on March 9, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

It's a great idea with a high potential and many issues that need to be overcome first - but most beginnings look that way. Really awesome once molecular assembly is available.

Prediction: People will use it to construct better sex toys. That's the way it really spreads. Like with many other technologies where sex is the real driver. ;)

Bryan, keep up the good work.

Hmm, I thought this article was going to be about some way of making vps hardware upgradable via standard package management tools.

So on your Linode you could just:

   apt-get install vps-extra-ip-address 
   apt-get install vps-extra-1g-ram
Which would be awesome now that I think about it.

In other words, as with free software, you will likely soon be able to download hardware from the web in the form of free packages of coded instructions to make… well, just about anything — from a Lego block to the jet engine of an F-16.

This is fairly meaningless without a cost-effective way to actually produce the items. Which is 'likely soon' if you take a very optimistic view, for Lego blocks. It's not anytime soon for jet engines.

Interesting concept, I've been very interested in more hardware hacking lately. There is someone reassuring about being able to build anything in your local hacker space. Here in NYC we have a group called "NYC Resistor" that has lasers and 3d printers available cheaply. Hacking isn't always just about code ;)

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