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Always be suspicious when one solution promises to fix all the problems? It might not be a true Scotsman.

Now how do i get rid of the piling up remainders of this ugly feeling of social responsibility? The poor only got to blame themselves for not being ruthless enough? No, that sounds like encouraging crime.

The poor only got to blame themselves for not reading enough? No.

The poor only go themselves to blame, because they where born to the wrong parents? Now it sounds heartless.

And that is what all this about. Finding ab-solvent to inhale for a ugly problem to go away. Everything is allowed as long as it doesn't touch core dogmas and allows to shirk responsibility.

The poor only got to blame themselves, because they loose so much energy by thermodynamics. Half there food goes up in heat. Hah, that's it, we should educate them to wear five layers of sweaters in the summer- and if they don't do it- they only got to blame themselves. Those unruly holy poor, who put my own existence to a metric i don't like.

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