Absolutely. Google is far and away what I fall back to when I need to really find something. That being said, I use Bing and DDG as my defaults to see if I get good enough results.
Even though I have the latest version of Maps installed I never use it and it is disabled and blocked from the net. Osmand works great, aside from when it tells you to get on a freeway; it doesn't, and will say something like "veer right", which has caused some headaches. Searching within osmand for an exact address also sucks. I have to enter Los Angeles for cities such as say, Reseda, when it should know better. Thankfully the fdroid apk AddressToGps fixes the search perfectly, allowing you to enter an exact address which then uses a google api to pull up the exact coordinates which is then seamlessly handed off to Osmand. All you do after is tell it to map the route. Without addressTogps, osmand is practically unuseable.
GEO Bookmark, fdroid repo, is also an excellent companion ap to osmand.