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Quite the opposite. If you're a small business in need of compute, then it's quite a value.

I'll give you a case in point. I have a friend who works for a construction company. He has three servers he's cobbled together all at one site, and a NAS for storage. They provide email and document sharing, accounts management, etc. Every new blueprint that comes through needs to be reviewed for accuracy, but they come in as images, so he has another server that just runs tesseract OCR when he gets a pdf in. He asked me if he should get three servers, or one and virtualize the three. He wanted to plan for growth, but didn't know what that would be. the NAS was underutilized.

He's buying no servers. He's setting up Workmail and Workdocs for their users. (Workspaces is an option in the future.) Blueprints are uploaded to S3 as they come in, where the file arrival notification triggers a lambda function that performs an OCR pass on the file and dumps it into a new bucket. Because this function runs on-demand, he avoids paying for a server to sit there, and only pays a few cents for a doc. His other services no longer run on servers he has to manage, so he doesn't worry about patching. He has reliable, off-site backups for the first time and version control, and he only pays for the exact amount of storage he's using as opposed to buying space for his NAS in advance. And he doesn't need to worry about scaling.

That story plays out all the time. It's arguably a bigger savings for smaller people who can't afford the upfront costs than large corporations that already are likely to have massive sunk costs in datacenter space and assets. If you're a small business, the moment you go cloud you not only save money, but you gain capabilities (the biggest being in redundancy and reliability, which are the most important...how many small businesses have a DR/COOP capability on-prem?) which you would never have had otherwise.

> It's arguably a bigger savings for smaller people who can't afford the upfront costs

Well first let me say that I have been doing all of this (as a business person who knows tech and Unix) for quite some time. And what you wrote above spins my head because I don't know much about AWS (but I can easily turn up a server if needed). My point is what you are describing for a small business person requires a tech person knowledgeable with AWS to implement (and keep on top of) which is the "cost" as opposed to perhaps saving money in this particular example for this particular customer. I am no doubting that AWS (which I see you work for in your profile) is good for certain types of uses (such as perhaps the example you are giving). But you still need a knowledgeable tech guy to keep it all working it is not like using webmail vs. running your own email server (imap, smtp etc.)

Additionally once you are on AWS you are pretty much locked into AWS by the way (as you describe) things are setup. I am not convinced that at a time in the future AWS will not change their pricing to take advantage of the lock that they have (even though now they continually drop prices). Or add extra fees or whatever. Being in business so many years I have seen this happen and changing from AWS will be near impossible. (In other words for people on AWS such as you describe there is no easy alternative competition for a system once designed and specific to AWS in the way you detail).

> Additionally once you are on AWS you are pretty much locked into AWS by the way (as you describe) things are setup. I am not convinced that at a time in the future AWS will not change their pricing to take advantage of the lock that they have (even though now they continually drop prices). Or add extra fees or whatever.

This is just FUD. AWS prices are always lowering, there is never a time they have increased. Even if they increased their prices, Google, Rackspace and Microsoft would eat their lunch. There is plenty of competition in the computing space.

> Being in business so many years I have seen this happen and changing from AWS will be near impossible. (In other words for people on AWS such as you describe there is no easy alternative competition for a system once designed and specific to AWS in the way you detail).

If your solutions are so narrowly defined that they won't run on anything else than AWS, then you are doing it wrong. You might run on specific AWS services, but there should be no reason why someone could not recreate their solutions over on Google Compute or other services. Yes, you might have to rework some of your solutions, but it should be very doable.

> This is just FUD. AWS prices are always lowering, there is never a time they have increased. Even if they increased their prices, Google, Rackspace and Microsoft would eat their lunch. There is plenty of competition in the computing space.

The prices are lowered, but AWS is also continuously introducing new more powerful instance types and deprecates older ones.

> If your solutions are so narrowly defined that they won't run on anything else than AWS, then you are doing it wrong. You might run on specific AWS services, but there should be no reason why someone could not recreate their solutions over on Google Compute or other services.

AWS has many solutions that are different than you are used to. For example there is no NFS (well there is EFS which supposed to be similar, but it's still in preview for at least a year now). You're forced to improvise, and use their solutions. Typically S3, which is not exactly 1:1 alternative to NFS, so you'll need to improvise and rework your applications to that model.

If you want to move to something else, you no longer will have these services available.

> Yes, you might have to rework some of your solutions, but it should be very doable.

Exactly, that's what's pointed out. You'll have to rewrite your applications. There's no lock in that can't be solved by rewriting. The problem is that the rewrite might be quite expensive.

>My point is what you are describing for a small business person requires a tech person knowledgeable with AWS to implement

It may seem that way, but in actuality, it really doesn't. In the case I described, their "tech" guy was someone who'd been pushed into the role by necessity. He had the most knowledge out of a body of people who didn't really make it their area of expertise, and became the IT guy as a result. He did a well enough job working on his own. But there's things he's going to miss, and it's a lot to keep up with if you want to run an infrastructure right. As you pointed out, it's a lot different running Software-as-a-service solution like Webmail vs. Infrastructure or Platform as a service.

But that's the nice thing about AWS (and to be fair, Azure and Google do this quite well too) is that there's a solution for your tech level. If he were really knowledgeable and wanted to roll his own mail solution, he can, and stand up instances running sendmail and put in his own MX records into our DNS service and manage all of the bells and whistles. Or, he can use Workmail (or Gmail for business if you want to be agnostic) and point and click his way to getting mail set up.

So there's a lot of range there, and the higher you go up the stack, the more management you hand off to the cloud provider at the (hopefully small) expense of control. But if the provider's offering fulfils all of your requirements, then it's a great deal for small, non-technical, shops who can offload their workloads into a provider who are experts at managing infrastructure, and you, the business owner, can create the occasional account and otherwise focus on business.

There's a great chart on this you might have seen, but it looks something like this: http://1u88jj3r4db2x4txp44yqfj1.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-c...

In any case, there's a solution for everyone depending on their skillset, and arguably, (in my humble yet biased opinion =P ) AWS has the best spread. If I had one self-criticism about us, it's that it's not always intuitive as to which of our services fall in the SAAS/PAAS/IAAS stack. Education will always be a challenge no matter who the provider is, and being that cloud is still relatively young, it's up to AWS, Microsoft, Google, and everyone else to explain just what "cloud" means and how to start with it.

As for locked in, it’s AWS’ goal to keep you by ensuring you /want/ to use the service, not because you’re forced to be here. There’s no lock in other than transit fees. Which, if you have thousands of terabytes, can be hefty. That’s bandwidth for you. But there’s nothing proprietary. Take your code and data with you. I’ve seen engineers walk customers through the process of getting their stuff out. It happens. Not often, but it does, and we’ll help with that too.

> If he were really knowledgeable and wanted to roll his own mail solution, he can, and stand up instances running sendmail and put in his own MX records into our DNS service and manage all of the bells and whistles.

Ok that is something I actually need to do. I have a project now to bring up a smtp and imap server and I can put it on the colo box or do it on AWS. [1] Is there a specific step by step guide to doing this with AWS. Quite frankly with all of the things you do there I wouldn't even know where to start. Otoh if I go to, say, Rackspace I can easily and quickly spin up a server (with RAID) and not have to give any thought to doing so because it's a centos server running on a vps. With AWS I don't know the difference (and would have to learn) as far as the different instances availability zones all of that (and quite frankly I have little time to do that so I would typically go with what I already know). Make sense?

[1] So what I am saying is I can do this on a colo box but don't even know where to begin to do it on AWS. I don't mean I need handholding to install and get the server working, just to get it working given the various offerings on AWS.

> bring up a smtp and imap server and I can put it on the colo box or do it on AWS.

Is that all the server will be used for? If you just want to run a Linux server 24x7 you will not be taking advantage of any AWS services, so you would probably be better off getting a colo box or VPS to act as your mail server.

If you really want to run this on AWS, you just need to spin up an EC2 instance, and configure the Security Group (think of it like a firewall). There is a wizard which will guide you through the process[0]. Once the instance is running you can (optionally) use Route 53 to set up DNS records for your new instance.

Also, feel free to buy my book :-) It starts with the basics like launching instances, and then moves on to more interesting AWS-specific features [1].

0: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/launching...

1: http://www.amazon.com/AWS-System-Administration-Practices-Sy...

With regard to my comment (below) I guess what I am looking for is a guide like "hello world" for AWS.

I think this is a great intro into the different components. https://www.airpair.com/aws/posts/building-a-scalable-web-ap...

If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to our forums, or drop me a line. =)

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