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> Isn't a core tenant of DevOps that your developers are the ones doing the Ops too?

This isn't how it started.

"deliver a seminal talk known as “10+ Deploys per Day: Dev and Ops Cooperation at Flickr.” The talk is an energetic presentation in which Allspaw and Hammond basically act out the classic “fingerpointy” conundrum of Dev versus Ops—“It’s not my code, it’s your machines!” (and vice versa)—to a roomful of developers. They make the case that the only sensible way to build, test and deploy workable new software is to make development and operations transparent and integrated. Read more at http://rewrite.ca.com/us/articles/devops/a-short-history-of-...

From: http://rewrite.ca.com/us/articles/devops/a-short-history-of-...

Honestly if you go back to the early 2000's Operations and Engineering were often playing the blame game if not at outright war. I can't tell you how many SA's told me to "file a ticket" when asking for basic factual information (not changes).

The idea of a "full stack" engineer is mostly a myth. If your starting out small hiring a generalist who can do it "all" is probably a good thing. The issue is finding folks who can do everything well is HARD. Once you hit a certain scale, you need people dedicated to each JOB (Front end, back end, operations, database, networking). When you get to the level of having a lot of specialists, having someone do "DevOps" to act as a bridge, to speak able to speak to specialists and convey issues can be vital.

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