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> anyone thinking this gets them out of understanding ops

I haven't looked at it specifically, but given how much the blurb focuses on 'you don't need ops, developers can do this, its all automatic and built-in' (thankfully they don't use the term 'magic') makes me think that when said devs inevitably do need ops help to make it work, the required work for said ops will be increased because they can't just say "well the problem is your load balancer is doing X instead of Y because of config Z" - its going to be a shit fight of fighting against the 'automaticness'.

Maybe they want to be the new cPanel (the web hosting product, not the generic nickname for a control panel).

Hey, I look forward to the day I can charge high rates going in to fix underlying problems for this stuff... So far, those of my clients doing cloud setups typically end up spending 2x-3x as much for my services to sort out their systems than those doing dedicated hosting, on top of usually spending more on hosting as well...

There are certainly exceptions that are using cloud technology for the things they are genuinely cost effective for (e.g extremely spiky traffic; bulk processing; or to manage their own dedicated hardware), but the amount of money that's blindly thrown out the window because the people authorising the expenses don't know how to estimate the costs of these things is staggering.

Well, yeah. The whole idea that you can somehow "save" on ops by doing X is just accruing technical debt, moving the point at which you will need ops into the future and also thus making it far more expensive when that time comes. It will be a fire that maybe only expensive outside (ops) consultants can put out. Imagine that: A fire that no one at the startup can put out. That's a lottery I don't want to play. If that doesn't scare people out of this kind of "we don't need ops anymore!" hooey, I feel like they deserve whatever comes their way down the line.

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