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So... this is backend infrastructure (i.e. it runs on a server) to let your team deploy "severless" apps...

So they're serverless. Except the server you're running it on. And the lamba/style code they wrote and uploaded to it.

But serverless, because no ops staff required. Except the ones who installed and maintain this.

This is like a snake eating its own tail and wondering what hurts.

Edit: despite my sarcasm, it's always good to see open-source solutions to reduce reliance (or risk of reliance) on closed vendor solutions. Just stop calling it serverless, and I'll stop telling you how fucking ridiculous that name is.

Seriously. We got serverless being the most BS term I've heard in a while. Then DevOps: a term I still don't understand as I've never seen a concrete description of it, its advantages, and specific examples. We have microservices that people either brag or warn about in HN articles.

Combine them to get... something! Um, something I'll avoid for now until the Cloud of confusion clears up.

Hey, at least I didn't use "cloud-native" or "12-factor app"! On a serious note, though, yeah I can't say I'm keen on the terms. I've known DevOps since it was called SRE 10 years ago, at Google. Just trying to use same terms other people on HN seem to use.

Haha, I hear you. Yeah, cloud-native would've been worse I agree. What's SRE mean? Site Reliability Engineering? Or is my guess way off?

Btw, I really enjoyed reading 12-factor app [1] compared to most since the page was a clear description of obviously good practices and debatable recommendations that were at least clear. It was also about apps with a list of 12 things to consider. That fits the name. Page was over 70% specific justifications and technical answers with almost no hype or zealotry. I was impressed the cloud crowd was capable of that. Mainstream needs to do terms and explanations that way more often. ;)

[1] http://12factor.net/

"Serverless" is wrong in a very technical way - they have a very distinct meaning in their head, but they're just choosing to wilfully ignore a huge part of the stack so they can call it that.

DevOps has as many different definitions as practitioners, and few will completely agree on the same definition.

Cloud is one of the worst frankly, because it is so hand-wavy and it's made it into every day language. My assumption is that this name came from the 'cloud' icon used in a lot of technical diagrams to represent something outside of your control and outside of your scope for the current project. I guess in some ways that makes "Cloud" the perfect term to describe things like AWS/et-al: something that is out of your control.

You hit the nail on the head for each one. My thoughts exactly. Especially serverless, though, as we already did serverless back in our day: it was called P2P and helped start a revolution. What they're describing don't look like no P2P to me. :)

Exactly, if your definition of serverless != decentralized I don't know what you are talking about.

I could see them cheating with embedded cards saying they're not physically servers. HYRDA did that (me too) for security/efficiency purposes:


It was a little PCI card. Even so, I'd ask the marketer or developer: could you please draw a logical representation of your client and services with lines showing data flows? Followed by (points) "there's the server(s)." :)

This should be called what it is: a PaaS that automates some of your continuous delivery pipeline, specifically the deployment of your containers across a cluster of servers.

It's disingenuous and not likely to generate a lot of enthusiasm when you glom onto the flavor of the month (serverless) and try to recast a technology that pre-dates it (PaaS) as being serverless, when in fact its not.

Agree this is not serverless, but still looks awesome. Just remove the serverless piece. I'd say this is a platform for running "lamba" on your own infrastructure.

ha I think serverless was just to get a reaction! I def agree that the devops has been neglected in terms of OS and hope this will help

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