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Have the naysayers actually watched Justin on Snapchat? There is quality content and everyone could learn a thing or two from him about marketing and consistent content creation. This is basically how JTV got traction and press. Also, regular YC apps require a video anyway so this fits well with the model they are used to.

Edit: Down votes have answered my question :O

You can even learn how to get other people to create free content for your channel!

I don't disagree that Juatin knows how to market and create quality content. What I don't understand is why someone who wants to start a successful company would spend their time doing this. Why not spend time building the company?

The snaps also get posted online after the contest - doesn't that defeat the purpose of Snapchat?! It's not a good medium for this.

My understanding is that finding any sort of funding and mentoring requires some time commitment. This is no different.

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