If you mean pinbot - that's literally all it does. It takes a message and pins it, knocking the old one off the pins.
The build messages build...that's also literally all it does. It simply puts handy notices in the chatroom. Why wouldn't you want that integration? Everyone going to look at the build screen and polling it to see what's up is a far less efficient system. A push style notification, no matter the medium, causes far less overhead.
I doubt we'll ever build from chat directly for anything production at least, simply because those are 2 different user and authentication systems in play. It's too risky, IMO.
The build messages build...that's also literally all it does. It simply puts handy notices in the chatroom. Why wouldn't you want that integration? Everyone going to look at the build screen and polling it to see what's up is a far less efficient system. A push style notification, no matter the medium, causes far less overhead.
I doubt we'll ever build from chat directly for anything production at least, simply because those are 2 different user and authentication systems in play. It's too risky, IMO.