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"Oil, coal and gas received more than four times the $120 billion paid out in incentives for renewables including wind, solar and biofuels"

source: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-11-12/fossil-fue...

However, those subsidies are not paid in the same geographical and political regions at all.

Sun and wind subsidies are paid out in places like EU countries, especially Germany, where they distort the market. Gasoline on the other hand is taxed highly.

Oil, coal and gas get subsidies in places like Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Iran or Malaysia, where they distort the market.

That Venezuela distorts its markets in some way does not really make it a good idea to distort the market in Germany (or USA) in another way.

Fossil fuels have unpriced externalities even in places like Germany. And what you call market distortion re renewables in Germany is more appropriately called investment. The proof is the global solar industry that that country singlehandedly kickstarted with it's subsidies. A similar story with wind energy and Denmark.

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