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Mutually Human - Grand Rapids, MI and Columbus, OH https://www.mutuallyhuman.com/ We are a small team passionate about making people's lives better through software. We are hiring engineers and designers at our offices in Grand Rapids or Columbus. A little bit about us:

  - We aren't limited to any really specific set of    
    technologies, which is a great opportunity to learn. In 
    the past two years, we've worked with Python, Angular + 
    CoffeeScript, Node.js, Ember.js, Swift, and Ruby/Rails.

  - We practice a sustainable pace. We recognize that we 
    each have lives, activities, and families outside of 
    work. Late nights and > 40 hour weeks are rare by 

  - We offer competitive salaries, top notch benefits, 
    quarterly profit sharing, and more.
A little bit about you: - You love making software, and you have a couple of years of experience building software with a variety of tools and technologies.

  - You learn new stuff quickly. You’ve used a lot of 
    technologies, but you’re not afraid to use more. You 
    have some experience with web or mobile tech.

  - You believe software is written for humans, not 

  - You want to come into work every day and enjoy the 
    people you work with.
If you're interested, check out our website: https://www.mutuallyhuman.com/hiring/ Also, feel free to get in touch with me: mike@mutuallyhuman.com

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