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This guy > http://cdn.static-economist.com/sites/default/files/imagecac... < cannot possibly be Satoshi Nakamoto. He looks, feels, and smells like a conman. It only takes one red flag to question credibility and this guy has several.

1. Contradicts himself, privacy vs brokering a deal with major media outlets for a story.

2. Faking LinkedIn experience & degrees.

3. Associates believe he is 'crazy' and a 'conman'

4. Failed the writing syntax test comparing his multiple published works to the original posts and bitcoin paper and eventually...

5. ...Shifting blame or holes in his story towards the DEAD known people who've worked on Bitcoin or who had contact with Satoshi in the past.

6. SGI does not acknowledge him or his claimed statements regarding his relationship with SGI.

7. And I'm not going to go any further... the point is, he has too many 'excuses' for every little thing.

I understand he wants to be infallible and unchallenged in his claim, but just the number of alibis and excuses he dishes out, sans his questionable private-key proof, leaves a gut feeling that he's not Satoshi and smells of con.

Don't judge people by their looks when their actions speak far louder.

Sorry, I'm just taking this a bit personally because I know a guy who ruined a few peoples' lives by telling lies habitually and scamming for investors. For me, Dr. Wright relates to him and already as a bias I paint a bad image.

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