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It is GNU/Linux. Claiming that Linux is the most important part of the system is rewriting history (the GNU project started almost a decade before Linux was created).

GNU would have gone nowhere without Linux. Do you really think GNU/Hurd would have taken over?

There are many other kernels. Hurd is one of them. There's also several free BSD kernels (which were liberated around the same time as Linux was being made). And universities make operating system kernels all the time. Making a kernel is not as big of a deal as creating a fully compatible Unix-like operating system -- which is what the GNU project did.

So I don't agree that "GNU would've gone nowhere". If GNU had a kernel before Linus made Linux, then Linux would've gone nowhere.

Gnu over a BSD kernel could have. Linux was there at the right time.

Honesty, Linus has been more important than Linux. Linux was just a student's side project. Linus is a force.

But a force for what? The FSF is a force for freedom and good. Linus has questionable views on software freedom.

Linus is a force for marketing GNU tools

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