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The actual proposed edits are here: http://www.supremecourt.gov/orders/courtorders/frcr16_8mad.p... (page 6 of the documents after the letters).

Note that "jurisdiction" in this context is primarily referring to "venue." Venue is a set of rules within the federal courts' rules of procedure that specify which of the 94 judicial districts within the federal court system particular matters must be brought to. Generally, a warrant must be issued by the court in the district where the person or property to be searched may be found. This change relaxes that requirement under specific circumstances: 1) the location of the computer to be searched has been concealed by some technological means; or 2) for cases under 18 U.S. Code § 1030 (fraud in connection with computers). In that case, a judge in any jurisdiction where some of the criminal activity occurred can issue the warrant.

Your facts and legal insights are always appreciated.

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