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A big problem is that chained floating point operations are a O(sqrt n) martingale.

Also, some floating point ops that use pade approximants (most log algorithms, sin, cos) lose onoe or two precision points (versus half for arithmetic ops) of floating point accuracy.

> A big problem is that chained floating point operations are a O(sqrt n) martingale.

Mostly false; see https://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~wkahan/Mindless.pdf

It is true that an arbitrary, independent sequence of n floating point operations can potentially lose up to 2n bits of precision. However, it is false that most scientific computing code has such structure. On the contrary, the loss of precision in numerical algorithms can be estimated quite well using standard techniques of error analysis, especially when there is underlying matrix structure to exploit. The growth of error in properly written numerical code should NOT grow exponentially with the number of floating point operations. It should be bounded by intrinsic properties of the underlying matrix, such as its condition number or spectral norm.

Yeah, I know, there are cases where it matters. But I suppose many of these cases are also the ones where performance (and a hardware implementation) matters, and you're better off designing your algorithm to deal with roundoff error than use a magically precise FP implementation.

sure. You could go the KSP route and write your own FP. There are still problems like the various krakens. KSP is obviously not so critical that krakens are life- or project- jeopardizing... But imagine being NASA for example, designing real world satellite guidance systems that must operate over many orders of magnitude.

If you're using IEEE floating points, your systems will silently fail and (rarely) give an error like NaN. IEEE intervals will work, but often give a diagnostically useless answer. Unums have characteristic signatures that hint where to look to find the problematic calculation. You can then backtrack and redo the calculation at a higher precision and drop back to the standard precision as necessary. This is, of course, automatable.

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