well my .emacs is a lot of collected/revised cruft over the years. It's a mess really, and I'm always putting away refactoring for some other time - since it works for me. You'd also need all of the included dependencies and stuff (it's windows specific, but could be made to work on other OS' also). So I might zip up my .emacs with all of the dependencies files if you want me to.
I'd appreciate it if you did. I primarily use emacs on Windows, so that aspect is not a problem, and I weeding through all of your cruft might be fun :)
http://www.vga.hr/temp/home.zip - here is my home folder, just be sure to set HOME var as an environment variable to that folder. There are also minor install files in darkroom folder inside (you'll see). F12 toggles title bar, F11 toggles fullscreen (a bit buggy, so sometimes you need to press it a few times due to external program that sets it), F7 and F8 cycle back and forward between emacs buffer and F6 toggles line numbers.