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>Do you remember learning to factor quadrilateral equations? x2 -32x +12? Why were you taught this? Why did they spend hours drilling you on such clearly useless content? Simple: you were being trained to be a compliant cog, someone who could mindlessly follow instructions as opposed to seeking out innovation and surprise.

Oh god...

The sharp ones get a different lesson from high school algebra: Apply your mind, find the pattern, and you'll get better results out of less work than everyone else.

I have to admit, I was annoyed when I discovered the world of discrete maths that high school focused so much on calculus and algebra.

I think my class maths would have been better off understanding how to tackle counting and probability problems to restore some balance.

It was because that concept was really useful :P I factor them all the time when trying to engineer things.

I liked the quadrilateral (as opposed to quadratic) touch.

And the x2 (as opposed to x^2) touch.

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