At my company, we continually are looking for new providers for shared storage. Right now, we're on Dropbox, but I'm evaluating just throwing them all into Google Docs since they give us free storage and we can copy/paste direct URLs for files into IMs and e-mails.
Can you compare Nasuni's offerings to Dropbox and GDocs? The "choose your cloud" is nice, I suppose, but that's way too complicated for me as a business person who can barely write SQL.
Does anyone worry about the built-in Law Enforcement Access systems that the cloud services have? Bruce Schneier wrote an essay ( describing why that was bad and how it played into the Chinese hack of gmail. I hate to be a wet blanket, but just can't help to wonder, how many people stop and think of their privacy and the privacy of their corporate data, or do they just rush, following the herd over this particular cliff?
In the case of Nasuni and the Filer product; we have thought about this. All data is encrypted using your encryption keys, before being stored in the cloud. You're perfectly right to be concerned though.
Storing your data in the cloud, in the clear does open you to risk, which is one of the reasons cloud storage has not "taken off" for businesses in general, and why we do so much work to encrypt and protect all data before it is sent over the wire.
Oh! Another question (and I'm not trying to be a dick; I'm just really curious - data storage/retrieval in the cloud solves 1,000 other problems): how's Nasuni different than Cleversafe? Cleversafe runs their own data centers, I believe, but other than that, it seems similar:
For this type of question, I would actually ask you send feedback/questions like this to, where the team can look at it and comment. Alternatively, you can also call us directly at 508-651-0580
Can you compare Nasuni's offerings to Dropbox and GDocs? The "choose your cloud" is nice, I suppose, but that's way too complicated for me as a business person who can barely write SQL.