Your account seems to assume that people will faithfully adhere to the suggestions of any model. In reality, not only have statisticians had a hard time accepting more prediction-centered approaches [1, see comments at end], but these approaches may need to win over practitioners and lay-people in the field in which they are being applied (e.g. how much do doctors value prediction over interpretable parameters).
I like machine learning, and prediction centered approaches--but there are many factors (such as adherence both by doctors and their patients) that are important, here. In a sense, the model needs to take into account "model type" into its predictions, which could lead to a model that predicts disease treatments well, but believes it should not be used!
I like machine learning, and prediction centered approaches--but there are many factors (such as adherence both by doctors and their patients) that are important, here. In a sense, the model needs to take into account "model type" into its predictions, which could lead to a model that predicts disease treatments well, but believes it should not be used!