The USA pays 71% of the costs of defending NATO. European socialist countries don't have to pay that, so naturally, with that subsidy, they would have no problem giving out free stuff.
The US has many socialist programs: Social security, medicare, medicaid, food stamps, welfare, etc. Every social program the government funds is socialist by definition.
I also feel like there's just no relevance here anyway. Greece is part of NATO and bankrupt. Norway is part of NATO and thriving. NATO membership is clearly not the major determining factor for the health of a socialist nation.
I'm having trouble deciding if I'm being trolled or if your political views are just willfully one-sided.
No, I'm just willfully educated in economics. The money has to come from somewhere. If you print it, then its going to come out of the pockets of savers.
You've succeeding in convincing me that you're not a troll. The opinions you're espousing are just too uninteresting and the non sequiturs aren't even infuriating, just pointless and confusing.