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Great video to help OO programmers begin to think functionally (youtube.com)
82 points by rawkode on April 22, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Scott Wlaschin is excellent, and his website http://fsharpforfunandprofit.com/ is great in general.

I want to punch that guy who is laughing way too much. His jokes are kinda funny, but not that funny.

There's always that one guy! I agree, he's quite annoying, but he made me laugh to be honest. At 4:20, he gets pretty crazy!

Good video, but I wish I could find a video that helps OO programmers begin to think in an object-oriented way. Most OO programmers don't.

Please don't rewrite titles unless they are misleading or linkbait. That's in the site rules:


Noted. Won't happen again

I just watched this a couple of days ago. Great video :)

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