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After TARP passed in the midst of one of the largest protests of a congressional action that I've witnessed in my life

I guess you weren't alive in 2003 for the Guiness world record largest protest in human history against the Iraq war, including 400,000 in New York, 200,000 in SF, etc


EDIT: took out the London and Rome references

Of course the difference is that tea partiers are upstanding Real Americans while the Iraq war protesters were dirty fucking hippies so they don't count.

> including 2 million people in London, 3 million in Rome

Is that outside the US? I don't recognize these cities.

Maybe guelo meant London, Arkansas and Rome, New York.

> 400,000 in New York, 200,000 in SF

Those are large numbers but few people in those cities vote in U.S. elections :)

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