Although this is pretty far away from the Arduino-style boards, you may want to have a look at the Sensortag from Texas Instruments:
It is based on a single-chip wireless microcontroller that has both support for both BLE and IEEE 802.15.4 (6lowpan/ZigBee). It is supported by the Contiki OS ( The learning curve is probably quite a bit steeper than that of an Ardiuno, but the board and the chip can be readily included in commercial products. There are reference designs with design files, BOMs, schematics available from TI.
It is based on a single-chip wireless microcontroller that has both support for both BLE and IEEE 802.15.4 (6lowpan/ZigBee). It is supported by the Contiki OS ( The learning curve is probably quite a bit steeper than that of an Ardiuno, but the board and the chip can be readily included in commercial products. There are reference designs with design files, BOMs, schematics available from TI.
Since it has both BLE and 6lowpan support, you can do some pretty nice things with it, such as providing both quick discovery via smartphones and secure remote access: