Agree with a lot of this, however it is all about balance and moderation I'm not sure going all the way makes you a better person or gives you a better lifestyle.
email is fine once you have filtered out all the spam and dicks who put everyone on cc.
I love music, but I wont be going back to vinal anytime soon, my mp3 collection is fine and much more convenient. Yes MP3 may have cheapened music and there maybe something about removing it from the sleeve, putting it on the turntable and turning it over after 20 minutes but that person is not me.
Same with books, I love reading books, but I am as happy (if not more happy) to do it on a kindle as a 'real' book from the library.
A cell phone is convenient if left on silent or turned off when in company and not continuously checked
I would still want google and wikipedia to do my job and I would still want hackernews to ensure I can see and click on articles like Mr Frys if I so desire, again these should be on-demand not continuous.
I have some beautiful countryside outside my door and I am very happy to step away from all this and into it as often as I can.
email is fine once you have filtered out all the spam and dicks who put everyone on cc.
I love music, but I wont be going back to vinal anytime soon, my mp3 collection is fine and much more convenient. Yes MP3 may have cheapened music and there maybe something about removing it from the sleeve, putting it on the turntable and turning it over after 20 minutes but that person is not me.
Same with books, I love reading books, but I am as happy (if not more happy) to do it on a kindle as a 'real' book from the library.
A cell phone is convenient if left on silent or turned off when in company and not continuously checked
I would still want google and wikipedia to do my job and I would still want hackernews to ensure I can see and click on articles like Mr Frys if I so desire, again these should be on-demand not continuous.
I have some beautiful countryside outside my door and I am very happy to step away from all this and into it as often as I can.