> As a data service our first priority is keeping your data safe. We utilize WAL-E (link is external), the popular continuous archiving tool for Postgres.
A slight aside, but it's definitely worth looking at Postgres' WAL system [1], which is very cool technology that recently got better in 9.4 in that it can stream a "logical" representation of the WAL instead of the previous format which was largely only good for internal use. The WAL-E project that persists WAL to S3 was originally started for Heroku Postgres, but is now in widespread use elsewhere including the new Citus initiative.
Anyway, I'm a little biased because this was bootstrapped by ex-colleagues, but I'm excited to see an alternative to Redshift (not necessarily the target competitor here, but one interesting technology that Citus could viably replace) that allows for more consistent query performance and has all the modern features of Postgres (i.e. as opposed to being permanently locked into 8.0.2 with Redshift).
For on-site usage I'm pretty happy with pgbarman from 2ndQuadrant, no need for S3/Azure/Swift (base backups are archived daily to our off-site storage).
Thanks for the input, we're very much considering other infrastructure providers to run on. All input and requests for specific providers is helpful input for how we prioritize.
> Plans start at $1,800 a month, with the introductory plan including a total of 48 GB of memory for your database (one primary node and two compute nodes, each with 16 GB of RAM and two cores).
You may need something that's a little more cost accessible before it's widely useful ;)
Or you may want to allow a one-click solution that I can deploy on my resources now and later seamlessly move to your hosted solution, when I need to scale.
I don't know about overtake, but GCE is IMHO far superior to EC2 in terms of both performance (both hardware and network) and price right now. And they keep dropping the price by 30% pretty much every year. I expect to see a shift to GCP over time, yes.
Re Citus:
Considering that you get 2 GB of bandwidth per core on GCE, that makes a lot of sense for a distributed DB like Citus where there's a lot of inter-node traffic.
That other point there is that the maximum amount of RAM for a VM is 208Gb, which is not enough to scale up a Postgres instance. So a barrier to entry is porting your entire data layer to Datastore -- that's a significant engineering challenge that most people are unlikely to take up.
So Citus would fit in really well. IMHO focusing on AWS (where Amazon are providing their own DB services) is missing an opportunity on GCP (where Cloud SQL is MySQL based and fairly limited).
Citus is starts on an unprecedented level. Postgres is some of the best software ever invented already, and the team is continuing the tradition of continuing to add the best features to the engine.
I'd pick Citus over (almost%) any NoSQL solution at this point. Great data guarantees while keeping decades of engineering, tooling and know how.
Then I'm biased having worked with them for years but the team behind Citus Cloud is awesome. They understand both Postgres and how to build and operate reliable services better than anyone out there.
Congrats on the launch, Citus!
% I'm using DynamoDB right now because I don't have big data needs. But I miss developing against Postgres dearly
Since this is for olap (by the wording), meaning latency is not a big problem, why not just go on dedicated servers on hetzner/etc and lower the cost by , say, 3x (probably more)?
Because then you aren't on AWS. "Just going to Hetzner" means mostly losing everything else that AWS offers. You can still use some services externally, but the latency is higher and there are ingress/egress costs to contend with.
A reminder: AWS is not just a VM host. If you are using it this way, you are throwing away money. You use AWS to delegate big chunks of your infrastructure or systems to Amazon, thus saving on manpower (and thus, salaries). Hetzner is just a bare metal provider. Apples to oranges.
There are some sites on AWS who deal with staggering volumes of traffic that have tiny infrastructure or ops teams. That is the main value proposition of AWS (and GCP and Azure), and why Citus is focusing on it.
That's an implementation detail that doesn't get at the root of why they are snuggling up to AWS. Their customers aren't just using virtual servers + S3. That is the important tidbit to grasp.
If I'm a customer that is using RDS, ElastiCache, S3, and who knows what else, I'm not just going to switch to Hetzner because I take on responsibility that I had previously delegated to AWS.
But the customer isn't switching. Hell, citus could even make the import themself (by having servers in aws to read from your s3 and push to their own servers in hetzner so you don't pay bandwidth prices). Just like people can use algora without leaving aws.
unrelated: Have you ever thought, that the bandwidth pricing on the clouds is fucking insane ?
Does Citus keeps it's performance over tables with tens of billions of records? Also, how fast it is for ad-hoc queries over data coming from streams (Kafka/Kinesis) that has not been cached?
> Does Citus keeps it's performance over tables with tens of billions of records?
Citus essentially shards the data across machines, and queries these in parallel. You can thus scale out your cluster and CPU cores as you add more data and maintain performance.
> Also, how fast it is for ad-hoc queries over data coming from streams (Kafka/Kinesis) that has not been cached?
By 'cached', do you mean OS or database caching in-memory? Query performance for on-disk data is as fast as you can get with regular PostgreSQL, since each data node is essentially a PostgreSQL node, and each shard a regular PostgreSQL table. Standard tuning like indexes and Postgres configuration parameters will apply here.
Not every query is parallelizable. Maintaining performance is a lie. An easy to grasp is example is computing a median. And I mean an exact median, not an approximation.
@Tharkun: You are right that not every query is immediately parallelizable. Distinct count's are another example. In some cases data can be re-partitioned so we can calculate exact values and push down computation in parallel. This may provide better performance than a single large table, so there are still benefits to it. Ultimately though there will be tradeoffs to moving to an entirely distributed environment, but depending on the use-case the value may offset those.
I'm not sure why folks are downvoting you because most database systems that provide the full array of relational operations (joins, groupby, groupby cube, etc) do not scale linearly (maybe past a handful of nodes). Mixing OLTP / OLAP using current technologies is hard.
> If you're dealing with event or time series data—whether
> user messages, logs, web analytics, or connected device
> events—scaling out to both store and analyze terabytes of
> data becomes trivial with Citus Cloud
Speaking of time series use cases. PostgreSQL uses 30 to 100 bytes per long/float tuple, depending on schema. It's hard to see how it can it be competitive with TSDBs that are often in the single byte digits these days?
Are you referring to something different than the double precision floating point on the types page [1]? Because according to the docs, it uses 8 bytes, in compliance with IEEE 754.
Consider a few extra bytes per page for page headers, probably some row-level overhead I missed, and the size of the b-tree index created for your primary key, and that's about the size I'd expect, and without performance, precision, or some other losses, you're not going to see time series databases get much smaller for the same schemas.
It seems that float(p) with p undefined is treated as double. I need to double check my numbers. The storage test was done against 9.4 Indexes were turned off. Adding (Sensor, SampleTime DESC) index increases disk usage by 30%.
Not sure what you mean by precision or performance loss. TSDBs are way faster, I think it's a rather established fact because they're optimized for numeric array ingestion.
I'm not an expert on time series databases, but the main thing that I can imagine they do differently is data storage order. In SQL world, the physical order of the data is simply determined by the clustered index. If you were to want your data ordered by time, you'd make an index on a timestamp and cluster by that index [1].
Then if you want to get the most recent N entries, your SQL server is limited pretty much only by the disk read rate, because it's just reading pages in the order they're already stored physically on disk, rather than seeking based on a non-clustered index.
So that really just leaves the possibility of specialized caching or archiving logic as the primary benefit of a TSDB, as far as I can tell. To me, that's not likely worth the added complexity or maintenance costs until I'm processing a lot of transactions.
For the most part, though, that's because I already have a ton of SQL experience. And of course, I could be totally off-base, and I'd want to benchmark the two optimal solutions and see what the difference really is for a given use case.
My wording was misleading. It was 2.5 million observations (time|metric at long|float).
Row size on disk was 80 * 1024 * 1024 / 2500000/3 = 100 bytes. This is without any indexes. Looks like row overhead is quite substantial in PostgreSQL.
Well, the main reason for the overhead you mention is that SQL rows are constant size, and even with variable-size types (varchar) have a constant minimum size, even when some columns are null, which I think is where you're expecting different behavior.
This is not without reason. For one, it provides significant ordered lookup optimizations, since knowing that a row is N bytes long, you can simply skip to offset N * rowNumber on the disk.
So it's not system overhead, but rather the way you designed the table schema. Your table structure really ought to reflect the structure of data you expect it to store (single measurements at a time, in this case), unless you're doing warehousing or have access to sparse storage features (MSSQL, for one), which is exactly what I think you're expecting.
What I mean is, your schema should probably look like this:
Sensors table (probably smaller):
id serial: 4K
sensor_type (humidity, temperature, precipitation)
Measurement table:
sensor int (FK) NOT NULL: 4B
value real NOT NULL: 4B
reading_taken timestamp NOT NULL: 8B
(No 1B null map since no fields are nullable)
Total measurement table row size: 16B
(plus indices, page overhead, and any overhead I'm unaware of as above)
This is more akin to the data structure you'd probably see in a TSDB and (sparse storage aside) is probably the most efficient format you can get. It's also more academically sound (normalized [1]), though that's often a mixed bag of tradeoffs past a certain point.
Database noob here: Could someone please explain why this is different from other approaches and why this is interesting? How does it compare to BigQuery on GCP or Elasticsearch? Are those even the right comparisons?
Elasticsearch can't do very complex queries like postgresql can (probably needs something like spark?).
Elasticsearch can't grow tables, you need to create a new one index with more shards and transfer data.
BigQuery works only in column-store while citus works in column-store + row-store (column-stores don't support update/delete). You can mix row/column-store tables and query/join them together.
It is interesting because that it's latest postgres, example you can have Hyperloglog column-types, which ~none else offers.
It is available as open-source wich bigquery isn't (elastic is though).
Interesting because I was having a conversation with a colleague today complaining about other teams at work we depend on for Oracle services that can't do HA. Not sure if they don't know how, if they just don't think it wokrs, or if it's too pricey for them. But we have a vendor product that needs a DB and our users don't want any downtime. Curious if Citus can fill that gap in the HA space.
In some ways we're similar to Redshift in others we're very different. At the core we both have Postgres as a foundation, though Redshift's roots in Postgres are from some time ago. Citus works with the latest Postgres release and is an extension which doesn't fork the underlying database. Both us and Redshift work with large scale data, from there we diverge a bit.
Redshift very much focuses on data warehousing, so commonly large batch loads and then complex queries and analysis which run over a longer period of time minutes and up commonly.
Citus focuses more on real-time analytics. We support real-time ingest so you can insert directly into it, or of course bulk load as well. And then on a query side because we have high parallelism customers typically are doing more with real-time analytics, so queries that operate in the second or lower range. An example is CloudFlare, which is a customer, uses us to power the dashboard you see when you login as a user.
- With Redshift, you can just click a couple buttons in the AWS console to create a new DB and try it out. When you're done experimenting, you can shut it off.
- Citus is open source, so you can experiment on your own hardware.
- If you already have data as CSVs in an S3 bucket, it's a couple SQL commands to load it into Redshift. I don't see as nice an import option for Citus.
- Citus is designed to support mixing operational and analytic workloads. Redshift is just for analytics.
- Citus Cloud plans start at $1,800/month. Redshift clusters can be made a lot cheaper by snapshotting and spinning them down when not in use.
> As a data service our first priority is keeping your data safe. We utilize WAL-E (link is external), the popular continuous archiving tool for Postgres.
A slight aside, but it's definitely worth looking at Postgres' WAL system [1], which is very cool technology that recently got better in 9.4 in that it can stream a "logical" representation of the WAL instead of the previous format which was largely only good for internal use. The WAL-E project that persists WAL to S3 was originally started for Heroku Postgres, but is now in widespread use elsewhere including the new Citus initiative.
Anyway, I'm a little biased because this was bootstrapped by ex-colleagues, but I'm excited to see an alternative to Redshift (not necessarily the target competitor here, but one interesting technology that Citus could viably replace) that allows for more consistent query performance and has all the modern features of Postgres (i.e. as opposed to being permanently locked into 8.0.2 with Redshift).
[1] http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/wal-intro.html
[2] http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/logicaldecoding-ex...
[3] https://github.com/wal-e/wal-e