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Are there companies with >100,000 employees who are not highly dysfunctional?

Number of employees as a metric for dysfunction? Why not number of court injunctions? Number of union strikes?

I mean, if we're getting serious, we could write a dysfunction function, D = dysfunctional points:

  D = (points for threat posed by dysfunctional government)
    + 4*(points for direct environmental harm done by company)
    + 2*(points for environmental harm caused by subcontractors)
    + (points for each lobbying dollar spent)
    + 2*(points for frivolous or non-FRAND patent lawsuits)
    + 10*(points for fighting against a free and open internet)
    + (points for trying to track users / violate privacy)
    + 10*(points for getting hacked, releasing user's private data)

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