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Yeah, mobile hasn't figured out a good way to take over the workspace. Some of the tablet/laptop hybrids are getting closer.

As for entertainment though, are you watching Youtube extensively on your desktop?

I know this sounds crazy, but there are still some people who have cable subscriptions and watch TV on a TV. Oh the horror!

Those TVs are now 'smart' along with cable boxes and other peripherals. Is Intel Inside any of those?

> Yeah, mobile hasn't figured out a good way to take over the workspace. Some of the tablet/laptop hybrids are getting closer.

There already is a relatively mobile tablet/desktop hybrid that works pretty great for both consumption and getting work done. It's called a laptop.

> As for entertainment though, are you watching Youtube extensively on your desktop?

Yes. I have a phone, a tablet, a desktop, and a laptop. The tablet is pretty much only used for netflix and textbooks, and the phone is for travelling. The tablet is absolutely worthless for browsing, coding, writing, or gaming; and the phone is only saved by the form factor. If I had (the space for) a TV then the tablet would be a completely unjustifiable purchase.

Laptops typically aren't considered mobile devices (if we're being pedantic). Try running mobile apps on your laptop.

And yes, mobile devices have taken away entertainment share from the desktop as well as televisions.

Sure, say portable if that makes you happier. Not that it matters though, mobile programs are the ones trying to catch up to desktop programs, not the other way around.

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