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Yeah, Android pushes memory safety quite hard. Most code in the ecosystem is written in memory safe languages (Java and friends). That still leaves the entire kernel and lots of performance critical or legacy code. Languages like Rust could reduce the amount of memory unsafe code on the platform but there's still going to be a lot left over even it's mostly contained in a language runtime and the low-level libraries.

Despite Android's usage of Java, most vulnerabilities are memory corruption bugs. It makes sense to focus on those since it's low-hanging fruit. High-level security/privacy changes involve much more subjective changes and usually have a perceptible impact on users. Hardening the base system is invisible, and that's a good thing.

Android already does an amazing job at the access control level via very locked down SELinux policies. There's a lot of work to do there, but it involves making changes that are going to make some Android developers/users unhappy. For example, `hidepid=2` made it into Android N from CopperheadOS and there's going to be fallout from that: https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=205565. I think Google will end up shipping it, but it's not a sure thing.

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