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In 2014 Americans made over a million public comments to the FCC in support of net neutrality. The FCC sided in favor of net neutrality. [1]

In 2011 Americans made over 8 million phone calls to their representatives in opposition to SOPA/PIPA. The bills were defeated. [2]

[1] http://techcrunch.com/2014/08/05/inside-the-fccs-1-1-million...

[2] http://www.sopastrike.com/numbers

And then CISA, arguably worse than SOPA, passes both houses in 2015 tucked in a budget bill.

[0] http://www.theverge.com/2015/12/18/10582446/congress-passes-...

Not to mention more restrictions to come via the various secret international trade pacts being made.

People must understabd this, to disagree is to be disingenuous on the face of mountains of evidence. The American people have zero say on policy, the laws the government wants the government will get, it may take a few more years but it will happen.

The system cannot be reformed, it's very core is corrupt, those who disagree are for the status quo of the police state and they are our enemy and the enemy of justice.

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