Eh...Not really. Have you ever opened an Adobe application up on your machine? The next time you do be sure to fire up Activity Monitor and see your CPU light up. I wouldn't touch another Adobe app with a 10ft pole so long as it requires any interaction with CC, and I know many designers in the same boat.
Sorry to hear that @ryanSrich. We built Adobe XD from the ground up, with a brand new (and fast) rendering engine. You can have hundreds of artboards with no issues whatsoever. Let us know what you think if you have a chance. Thanks, @demianborba
Latest Adobe CC apps have a plugin for browsing a media library that will (on Macs,many Way) eat up CPU like crab legs at a casino buffet. Google "CEPHtmlEngine" and the app you're using and you'll likely find the location so you can rename it, deactivating it.