Agree, if it's not the pinwheel as mentioned, it's a roulette wheel that randomly chooses some point in your history to revert to. It absolutely boggles the mind that they don't acknowledge this. I specifically read these comments hoping someone else would confirm the undo issues to get their attention.
I actually own Designer (and Photo) but purchased Sketch to better integrate with some of our UX team workflows. Designer is stunning, rock solid, and I've never had a single crash or undo issue (or font rendering/scaling, or grouping, or or). Sadly no one I know uses it; it's all Sketch these days except for the Illustrator holdouts. I've asked a few of the prototyping tool folks like Framer to import the Designer file format like they do Sketch. I believe it's documented and would help encourage news yet.
I actually own Designer (and Photo) but purchased Sketch to better integrate with some of our UX team workflows. Designer is stunning, rock solid, and I've never had a single crash or undo issue (or font rendering/scaling, or grouping, or or). Sadly no one I know uses it; it's all Sketch these days except for the Illustrator holdouts. I've asked a few of the prototyping tool folks like Framer to import the Designer file format like they do Sketch. I believe it's documented and would help encourage news yet.