German here too, everybody I know is behind Jan Böhmermann, both finding it good that he pointed the insanity of these laws, and giving Erdogan the middle finger.
So according to my anecdotal evidence you are actually in the minority with wanting this law enforced.
So how does this difference in our observations come from? Are you from the south or east, where people are typically more conservative? I'm from the north west.
East germany, and my up-bringing wasn't conservative (atheist as hell over here) but focused on taking personal responsibility, being honest and valuing politeness.
Yeah of course, communism doesn't go well with religion.
> responsibility, being honest and valuing politeness
Sorry but it sounds more like an upbringing that make you very conformist. Upholding a law that should have been abolished years ago just because it's a law actually delegates personal responsibility away to a book.
Haha, honestly, sounds like we just differ very fundamentally. There's basically nothing i agree with in how you communicate or what you communicate, so we'll just have to agree to disagree.
What's wrong with calling out the DDR as bad communism?
Socialism is great, Bremen tried to gain independence from Germany several times to found a soviet republic (räterepublik) which sadly failed each time because it was bloodily quelled by the german government.
However the authoritarian totalitarianism practiced by the DDR was completely unacceptable.
It's the same totalitarian attitude of Erdogan (the guy that also funded ISIS and attacked socialist kurds btw) that requires us to resist with everything we have.
And if it means binding his resources and attention with childish insults, then be it so.
So according to my anecdotal evidence you are actually in the minority with wanting this law enforced.
So how does this difference in our observations come from? Are you from the south or east, where people are typically more conservative? I'm from the north west.