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> Even if you do need to raise money, why is it a necessity to run your company out of the same city that your investors are in?

It's almost never necessary but try telling an investor that. The amount of investors that said no to the start-up I'm currently working at, simply because it was on the East coast (that was literally the only reason given), was simply astonishing. In a world where you can be anywhere in essentially, physically, in less than a day (typically hours domestically) or instantly digitally technology investors would stick their noses up due to physical location.

I love SF but it just didn't make sense at the time and it's still insanely expensive there!

> "digitally technology investors would stick their noses up due to physical location."

Either they're correct, although there seems to be no logical reason why or any sane rationalization for it, or they're leaving great piles of money on the table for more open minded investors to snatch up, or they're not really in it for the money (retirement hobby, its for social signalling, etc).

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