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Consent under coercion which most work contracts are implicitly, else how are you going to pay for your living expenses, by necessity require government intervention.

Under that point of view, seems like the government should instead prohibit work contracts themselves, therefore eliminating such coercion.

You can not eliminate this source of coercion without for instance giving people free living wage. Eliminating such contracts would not eliminate the coercion but make it worse. Maybe not as bad a contract, because people can still walk away, but still could end badly.

Who would be coercing whom if work contracts were eliminated?

The natural state of mammals on this planet is hunter gatherers. Hunter gatherers don't have any way of storing food, so they take only as much as they need. They are under constant coercion by their environment. So I guess the environment is coercing, whether that's nature or it's society. There is a way to get the basic resources for survival. For hunter gatherers they may go out at any time and if food is available they can hunt it. In society, there is no way to get that unless there is some form of contract or agreement for some resources in return for work.

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