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He's not saying it's free money, he's saying it's easy to have an account.

Well, for starters, you need a computer that can create the public/private key pair for a BTC transaction. That's nowhere near free... Whereas most banks allow creation of an account for $50

BTC highly fluctuates, making storing money in this currency highly unstable. It's good to pay someone across the world, where US banking regs get in the way.

Getting into the BTC ecosystem is hard, unless you have hard currency to trade, or goods/services. Poor people are still at the whim of those whom have.

>Well, for starters, you need a computer that can create the public/private key pair for a BTC transaction. That's nowhere near free... Whereas most banks allow creation of an account for $50

Cellphones can do that, so while not everyone has a cellphone, anyone that does could create a bitcoin wallet to doesn't charge you an additional fine when your newly opened checking account drops below $50.

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