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The elephant in the room (for the past, I dunno, half century? century? something like that) is that in the 20th century the news media transitioned from being largely allied with the public at large and substantially working class folks to being entirely a part of the "establishment" and being dominated by elite, upper class perspectives. The media just does not do hard hitting investigative journalism any more, as a rule.

Really? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_of_the_Spanish%E2%8...

I think they are just losing the veneer.

The easiest way to see this split, if you're ever trying to explain it to people, is to point to movie reviewers. It's the simplest version.

Movie reviewers over the past few years have been off-step with major movie consumers. They've missed the mark on many movies (Deadpool and the new superman/batman movie are the most recent examples). This isn't because the reviewers' tastes are inherently better than the unwashed masses (although they would have you believe that).

It's because they're elite, upper-class individuals, or at least they live that lifestyle. They're 'rich' folk who are unconnected with what John Q. Public really is into.

It's a super simplification, but it's valid.

Exhibit A, the gaming media. Note how many of the people involved are from upper class families with large trust funds and a tendency to get everything they say printed by almost anyone else in the industry.

But either way, this is why the public has lost so much trust in the media. With a few exceptions here and there, they basically just serve powerful interests and try and shut down any independent attempts at social change.

Part of it might be wages, average journalist wages aren't particularly high at the moment (especially not in less mainstream fields). So they tend to only be liveable for people with pre existing wealth and networks.

What would you expect when the top tier newspapers only hire Ivy leaguers?

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