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just curious, is there a compiled list of compelling single founder startups which are profitable or made an exit recently? the only thing that comes to mind right now is aaron patzer (mint.com)

I don't know if a list exists. Pinboard is profitable and I'm the only 'founder'. I believe Tarsnap (cperciva) is a one-man show. And the bingo card guy who posts here a lot runs things alone.

Some of those "single" founders have other support, like family and spouses - a local guy that's profitable leans heavily on his wife, who left her job for the company, so she should be counted as a "cofounder" :)

Sure. And multifounder companies have non-founder support like spouses and friends as well. Doesn't mean they're not real founders, right?

Why the scare quotes? Sounds pretty clear-cut.

Off the top of my head:

Pierre Omidyar with Ebay.

Gabor Cselle with reMail.

Mark Zuckerberg with Facebook (cash flow positive, at least).

Max Levchin with Slide.com.

And a few others I can't really talk about (they like their low profile).

Personally, as a single founder, I wish I had some cofounders. Next time I probably won't go it alone.

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