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>> Large corporations benefit from their customers being safe and secure

Same way as the small ones do. Maybe even more so - you can find a market for luxury cars even in most brutal dictatorships (in fact, many brutal dictators are known for their love of luxury goods, and so are their henchmen as soon as they are wealthy enough) but trying to establish a small business with stable clientele might be quite hard.

>> there was a symbiotic relationship between the monopoly and the state, quite the opposite from an independent existence.

If you look at the relationship between big banks or insurance companies or resource companies, and governments, "symbiotic relationship" is not a bad description of what is still happening. What is good for GM is still good for the country, and the country spending billions to fix the screwups of GM management is a living proof of it.

>> while fruit stands are set up everywhere.

Fruit stands - yes. Startups - not so much.

> you can find a market for luxury cars even in most brutal dictatorships

But you're unlikely to create a luxury car company in an unstable country.

> trying to establish a small business with stable clientele might be quite hard.

There are plenty of small businesses with stable clientele in Bangladesh, Haiti, Yemen, and pretty much every country in the world.

> "symbiotic relationship" is not a bad description of what is still happening.

I'm not saying it isn't. But you still can't have a large company in an unstable country, while you can easily have a fruit stand there. It is the large businesses that benefit disproportionately from the state.

> Startups - not so much.

Right, you probably need a stable country for startups, too. But most countries don't tax startups much anyway.

> But most countries don't tax startups much anyway.

Because they reasonably think that letting them grow a bit is more profitable.

"you can find a market for luxury cars even in most brutal dictatorships"

But can you find a factory for them?

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