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> Have you ever considered offering it as a SaaS ?

Sure, I've thought about it;

> Why not?

I'm probably at the limit of what I, as the sole developer of the project can do (or want to do) alone, while also performing my other tasks - such as my excellent product support for my clients.

To move to also running a SaaS, I would need a highly motivated partner to help with the workload of development some of the additional parts of the business.

For now, I'm pretty happy with existing in the niche I've made for myself: mostly those individuals and small businesses who find a SaaS like MailChimp too expensive to use. Really - all you need for something like Dada Mail to get started is a shared hosting account - something "Joe's Italian Restaurant" down the street probably already has. If you want to move up, hooking up Amazon SES is a no brainer and solves most all of the problems with sending out messages to a mailing list.

I also enjoy the quality of life given to me knowing I don't have to make sure the service is running 24/7. I live simply, and there's many projects and goals in my life that do not directly involve software.

Thank you for answering, can totally relate to the quality of life part. Good luck.

Thank you! And thanks for keeping tabs!

You should toss your project on Baqqer, open up some attention and possibly get some pledges to help fund you finding more resources to grow your project.

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