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> British Prime Minister David Cameron, a leader in the push for tax-haven reform

There was a load of rhetoric in 2011 about offshore/tax reform, but very little in the way of action since then. As with tradition in Cameron's brand of "Compassionate Conservatism", it's a depressingly cynical slight of hand and nothing more.

Cameron's father uses this company to offshore some of the family fortune.


But as David Cameron has stated the real villian is Jimmy Carr /s

How much is he able to influence the British Virgin Islands? As they seem to be one of the top havens for years.

If he is, and being a leader in the push for reform, what was on his agenda for BVI?

Jersey is also one of the top tax havens IIRC.

As for Cameron being a leader in tax haven reform, I don't buy it for a second. Words are cheap, what action has his government taken to tackle the issue? If anything, they've been at work to increase legal loopholes and tax breaks for the rich. Not only that, but George Osbourne's family company has been proven to dodge tax. When you've got people at the top this morally bankrupt, do you really expect them to fix the regulations to serve the public?




Cameron will talk a good game in the press, do the exact opposite thing and by then the press has moved on and no-one seems to question it... It seems quite surreal that we all sleepwalk through these lies, but we do.

If you want a good primer on our influence/investment in the financial affairs of overseas dependencies and tax havens associated with Britain etc... then the book "Treasure Islands" by Nicholas Shaxson is a good place to start.

I was given this book for Christmas year before last. A very good read.

> sleight of hand

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