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> In fact, we are proud that there's so much interest to the Russian politics, that we are treated as important part of the world and that we do matter.

The only reason Russia "matters" is that it's non-compliant to the Western interests. The only kind of "freely-elected" government that the West would approve of is one that would bend to its wishes. Take a look at Ukraine to see what happens to elected governments that don't.

There are plenty of reasons why Russia matters, and non-compliance is not the one of them. To name few: nuclear weapons, vast natural resources (including fresh water), great cultural heritage. And quite good representation in tech, btw. The West is not a Satan, like some ayatollas would say, and Russia is not the Last Fortress standing against his armies. As for Ukraine, unfortunately it is the failed state, that is severely (almost deadly) damaged by corruption - it has nothing to do with Western or Russian interests, first of all it's the failure of Ukrainian people to get rid of crooks (just like the failure of Russian people to do the same), and only then there are the sides that would like to play with it.

I appreciate your perspective on your country and the world. I'm a USian but I agree with you and can't fault Russia for resisting the neoliberal/neoconservative Empire erected by the Western elites.

Russians (and the rest of us?) are supposed to fall meekly into line in the world created by the likes of GWB, Victoria Nuland, Hillary Clinton, Dick Cheney and Rumsfeld, David Cameron and Merkl? No thanks.

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