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> What's different this time?

Running 64bit Linux elf binaries on the NT kernel, side-by-side with windows binaries is quite different from WSUS -- at least what experience I had with WSUS. It's more like Wine (a port of the win32 api to Linux (and BSD/OS X?) that allows running unmodified windows executables on Linux.

Being able to "apt install redis" on windows, and get the redis-build that Ubuntu ships, and be able to use it locally is a pretty big deal, IMNHO.

WSUS is (conventionally) something different when talking about Microsoft - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Server_Update_Services - whereas you clearly mean ${whatever Interix ended up renamed to}.

Yeah, according to Wikipedia, the abbriviation(s) I was looking for was: "Windows Services for UNIX (SFU)".

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