It's all in the head m8. Volition and longevity are difficult to cultivate, to create something takes patience, focus, and dedication. Start out by starting every morning right - I wake up at 6AM (or earlier), immediately take two hot-cold showers, take adrenal supplements (to help with mid-day drowsiness), eat an apple (every morning) and I meditate.
This simple routine, everyday, has proven to boost my energy and willpower throughout the day and into the near future. It has everything to do with doing something that requires willpower but isn't related to "projects". I've noticed ever since the hot-cold showers that my mettle is considerably more developed.
I highly recommend meditation, that is one of the keys IMHO. It really sharpens your mind - day dreaming is a form of meditation, you don't have to behave like a buddhist monk to meditate. I typically just sit in a comfy chair, close my eyes, and do one of two meditations: either a no-mind meditation (no thought) or a visualization meditation.
They aren't two separate showers - I'm in the shower for a period of 20/25 minutes but I turn the water to really hot then really cold twice. I expressed that poorly :)
This simple routine, everyday, has proven to boost my energy and willpower throughout the day and into the near future. It has everything to do with doing something that requires willpower but isn't related to "projects". I've noticed ever since the hot-cold showers that my mettle is considerably more developed.
I highly recommend meditation, that is one of the keys IMHO. It really sharpens your mind - day dreaming is a form of meditation, you don't have to behave like a buddhist monk to meditate. I typically just sit in a comfy chair, close my eyes, and do one of two meditations: either a no-mind meditation (no thought) or a visualization meditation.