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Qt+QML is more like Angular. You mock up templates and bind functionality to a view_model. This gets ugly when you try to do anything complex; your template has to accommodate all possibilities and eventually looks more like a huge laundry list than a template.

With React you don't have a template. Every change generates a new virtual-HTML page, and then a diffing algorithm figures out the cheapest way to update your existing HTML with the changes. That makes things far simpler--your renderers are just HTML-generating functions, not some magical view-view_model thing that has its own syntax and workarounds for its limitations. UI is more testable because you can verify the actual HTML output, not just view_model state.

Would love to see something similar to React on other GUI platforms as well.

I don't have experience with Angular, and you haven't specified whether you're talking about Qt or Angular, so I will make some clarifications.

In QML one has QML components, which are JSON syntaxed files that can include other components and Javascript code. A component can be anything from a UI widget to a a camera object that can be used to take pictures, etc. QML encourages model-view programming which is a proven pattern used in the best UI frameworks on pretty much every platform. Nothing magical or limiting about it.

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