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QML on Qt is also a declarative and reactive technology, it behaves very similarly to React for the browser, but for native widgets. I think that is what the question is about, and I'm curious too... how does React differ? Qt's QML automatically updates UI elements based on state changes. I use React for web programming and they seem like similar concepts, so I'd be curious for anyone to shed light on their differences. Qt falls more into the "reactive" domain, whereas, name aside, React is not a reactive tool, technically, but the use-case is similar for both, no?

I would disagree with this. I haven't worked with QML, but I have worked with WPF which also supports two-way data bindings in a manner that I would guess is similar to Qt. The major difference between the approaches is that React embodies the functional approach. By describing your UI as a pure* function of your application state, you get a lot of important benefits.

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pure_function

Several academic papers on functional reactive programming specifically discuss QML implementation, so I suspect a comparison to WPF is superficial. You may want to take a look at QML before dismissing it. I've seen react developers who have used QML say that the experience is very similar.

That's why I included the disclaimier that I hadn't actually used QML. Thanks, I'll check it out.

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