My techniques probably are somewhat due to having started 30 years ago.
I rarely enter an interactive debugger. I have TONS of logging statements I can toggle. I make program execution as deterministic and reproducible as possible (for example, all random numbers are generated from random number generators that are passed around). When something goes wrong, I turn on (or add) logging and run it again. Look for odd stuff in the log files. If it doesn't make sense, add more logging. Repeat.
I worked on a pretty large videogame in the 90s where /everything/ was reproducible from a "recording" of timestamped input that was automatically generated. The game crashed after half an hour of varied actions? No problem, just play the recording that was automatically saved and attached to the crash report. It was amazing how fast we fixed bugs that might otherwise take weeks to track down.
Was that game Quake 3 by any chance? After reading about how Quake 3's event system worked (, I started using those techniques not only in C++ game engines, but even in Python GUI applications and I'm now experimenting with it in Javascript with Redux. I'm a huge fan of that pattern. It takes a bit of work to set up, but it's magical when it works correctly.
Trace is a powerful tool. I've shipped OSs with internal wraparound trace buffers that ran on a million machines for years - just so when I received a crashdump from the field I'd have something to sink my teeth into. Net cost: nearly zero. Net value: occasionally golden.
Yes, exactly. Assuming that the error was not in the rendering system, which took the bulk of the CPU time and which was isolated as much as possible, the recording could even be replayed at high speed by omitting the rendering of most frames.
I forgot to mention that we actually found a lot of bugs by seeing a playback diverge from the original recording; this was often due to uninitialized variables or reading from random memory. We could generally see when the divergence happened because we computed a checksum of the state of the world every frame and stored it in the recording as well.
Data point: The amount of time I've spent doing "debugging work" has gone down VASTLY since I've adopted TDD. Literally, every line of debug code you will ever write (whether it's a println buried in the code or something done in a REPL) is a potential unit test assertion.
What is a debug statement, anyway? You're checking the state at a point in the code. That's exactly what a unit test assertion does... except that a unit test calls a single method/function... meaning the code you're trying to debug needs to be split up and written in a way that is easily unit-testable, with few, if any, dependencies that aren't explicitly given to it... which makes it better code that is easier to reason about (and thus results in fewer bugs).
See where I'm going with this? TDD = say (mostly) goodbye to "debugging"
The question is whether the additional time to write a test before any piece of code and to refactor each piece of code to each new test case (assuming you're doing TDD 'properly' and only coding the minimum to pass the extant tests), plus the time spent debugging (because it doesn't completely eliminate debugging) is less than the time you would spend debugging if you didn't use TDD.
I could say "the time I spend debugging has dramatically decreased since I began proving each bit of code to be correct mathematically." But that tells me nothing about whether it is actually a better approach.
I suspect that's why you're getting downvoted: the comparison is naive. (Edit: Also responding to 'how do you debug' with 'I don't' probably doesn't help).
My personal anecdote - I don't spend much time debugging. I spend a lot of time thinking, a smaller amount coding, and a relatively small amount debugging. Spending, say, 20% extra time preventing bugs before they happen would not be cost effective for me.
tl;dr If you consider a 90% reduction in bugs (and debugging, and unpredictable amounts of post-production debugging time, etc.) worth a 15-35% extra cost in upfront (but more predictable) development time... then you should be doing TDD, full stop.
If you can't figure out how to apply TDD to the problem, then look at the problem again. I/O is a common tripping point. Watch Gary Bernhardt's "Boundaries" talk for ideas:
I repeat... a 90% reduction in bugs. I think that's pretty damn huge. Read the paper, then google "TDD empirical data." Actually, I'll do it for you:
Trust me, I am all about doing things rationally and staying away from faddy things that have no data to back them up, but in this case, this one seems pretty solid.
Personal experience is that the code I write using TDD is better along almost all dimensions that factor into determining what "good code" even is: More modular, fewer dependencies, easier to maintain, easier to debug (when you must), smaller and more focused methods/functions, better modules/classes... These more intangible perks literally fall out of the sky like manna if you code with TDD.
It's admittedly tough to change to this habit, but now that I've been doing it, I would not go back. At all.
Personal experience is that automated testing improved my productivity, TDD diminished it. But like any religious war, the criticism always is "you didn't do it right, if it didn't work for you."
Thanks for the patronising 'let me google that for you'.
I'm glad you saw the light, I'm content to remain a pagan.
> If you consider a 90% reduction in bugs worth a 15-35% extra cost.
I don't spend more than 31% of my time debugging, so 35% for a 90% reduction is nowhere near useful. I rarely spend 13% of the time on any bit of code debugging. And when I do I write unit tests as a debugging strategy, so it wouldn't have saved anything to write them beforehand.
If you find yourself debugging for 30+% of your time, on new code you write, unless you write tests beforehand, then I respectfully suggest there are more pressing things to worry about in your practice.
I wasn't trying to patronize, I was making it a few seconds more convenient for you in this case (this was NOT a literal "LMGTFY" back-hand!). And I wasn't trying to proselytize. And I know that "what works for me" might not be "what works for you." I just know that individually, and especially on any programming team, this has been a practice that has paid off in spades AND "feels better" as well. YMMV, I guess.
I mean, there's a rational explanation for it: Your code produces states. What is a bug? An unexpected state. As long as you can contain/model ALL of those states, in your head, at all times, while working on the code, you can potentially write 100% bug-free code, at all times. But as soon as you cannot, then the tests will help contain the many possible states your code produces, and that your brain can no longer contain.
And unless you are infinitely genius, your code will eventually reach a point where you simply cannot model all of its potential states in your head (this goes manyfold on a programming team where everyone is sharing bits of the "mass state" the code can produce.)
The advantage of TDD lies largely in the practice of ensuring you have code coverage: that you are regularly exploring all the code paths you aim to deliver. It's not about modeling the states. A formal specification could do the same thing. In fact, the code is itself a formal specification of exactly that.
If you start thinking of TDD as specifying what the code should do, then you probably should be writing tests for your tests to ensure they test what you mean for them to test. And if your code is compartmentalized into small enough components, it is just as easy to write a correct test as it is to write correct code. If you are doing that, then writing tests is clearly a waste of time. (And you should be doing as much of that as possible.)
In my experience, proponents of TDD often end up actually defending testing when pushed, rather than TDD. As if TDD or write-and-forget code are the alternatives.
> unless you are infinitely genius
We've established, based on your own numbers, that you only need to spend less than 10-30% of your time debugging your code before it isn't worth it. There's no need to exclude the middle and pretend it requires infinite genius.
I've noticed that TDD forces me to think about the code in a better way, before actually coding it, than just going ahead and coding it and then figuring out how to test it after.
This is by no means an easy practice to adopt, btw, especially after years of not doing so.
I actually think TDD should be taught in schools and never even considered a separate aspect of coding; TDD should be integral to coding, period. If it wasn't discovered separately in the first place, it would just be called "coding."
> that you only need to spend less than 10-30% of your time debugging your code before it isn't worth it
That is a good point.
It's worth it down the line. You're not factoring in future costs. You're not just reducing TODAY'S bugs by 90% with that increase in overall coding time, you're also vastly reducing the technical debt of the code in the future.
You're also writing a permanent, provable spec for the code. What happens 5 years after you write your untested but debugged code and have to go back to it to add or fix something? How in the hell will you remember the whole mental model and know if you are in danger of breaking something? The answer is, you will not. And you will tread more useless water (time and effort) debugging the bugfixes or feature-adds or refactorings.
Speaking of refactorings, they are almost impossible to do without huge risk unless you have well-written unit tests against the interface to the code being refactored.
In short, if you do not write tests, you are literally placing a bet against the future of your code. Do you really want to do that? Do you consider your work THAT "throwaway"?
That said, tests are no panacea... and I am NOT trying to sell them as one (which would be wrong). You might assert the wrong things, or miss testing negative cases (a common one is not testing that the right runtime error is thrown when inputs to the code do not conform). There are cases on record of well-tested code that has passed all tests (like satellite code) and still fails in the real world because of human error (both the code AND the test were wrong).
"I've noticed that TDD forces me to think about the code in a better way, before actually coding it, than just going ahead and coding it"
IMO, that is the crux of the matter: Thinking-Driven-Design is the way to go. The idea that you _need_tests_ to do the up-front thinking is, again IMO, bogus, and writing tests without thinking doesn't help much, as you seem to agree on with your remark on missing test cases.
Some people use paper or a whiteboard as things that make them think. Others go on a walk. Yet others, sometimes, can just do it sitting behind their monitor while doing slightly mindless things such as deleting no longer important mail, or setting up a new project.
Also: good tooling makes many kinds of refactorings extremely low-risk. Strongly-typed languages with that are designed with refactoring in mind help tons there.
How do you TDD experimental/evolving code? I work on scientific algorithms, where there are typically only few lines of code that constantly evolve to improve some performance metric.
I have been struggling for a while to integrate testing into my work. TDD is easy and perfectly suited for "normal" software development, where there is some kind of plan, and you are writing a lot of code that changes little after it is written.
I'd be very interested in pointers on how to apply TDD to little code that changes a lot after it is initially written.
Do you mean you work with evolutionary algorithms?
One thing testing does require is determinism. In other words, given all input states X(1) through X(N), output Z should result 100% of the time. If that is not the case, then you haven't accounted for all input states (for example, code that looks at the time and acts based on that- the time is an oft-unaccounted-for input) or you have code that calls something like rand() without a seed.
If you can get your code into a deterministic state, then it is testable.
There are multiple studies (ref. Making Software, Oram & Wilson), the results are inconclusive. It's especially not clear whether it's worth it to do TDD in comparison with simple automated testing and other testing strategies.
"I am one of the authors of the TDD chapter. Ours was a review of existing some 30+ studies of TDD. Yes, Nachi’s experiments (the MSR study mentioned above) were included. BTW, I wouldn’t have concluded that “tdd doesn’t work” based on our data. Rather, I would have conservatively concluded: there is moderate evidence supporting TDD’s external quality and test-support benefits, but there is no consistent evidence in one direction or other regarding its productivity effects."
The only thing inconclusive was the increased productivity effect, not the code quality effect.
> It's especially not clear whether it's worth it to do TDD in comparison with simple automated testing and other testing strategies.
I've done every testing strategy. Test-none, BDD, TDD, test-after, integration testing, unit testing, GUI testing, you name it.
If your code will last longer than a couple years, it is worth it to do extensive unit testing via TDD, integration testing of major/important workflows, a visual once-over by a QA person to make sure something didn't break the CSS, and that's it. If you are the founder of a startup and expect to sell within 2 years (and are thus incentivized not to go the TDD route), you better be correct in your bet or there will be technical-debt hell to pay.
> preaching
Espousing something that I have found over and over again in my programming career (testing since about 2004, TDD since about 5 years ago) is now "preaching"? Call me a prophet, then. I know exactly what I see. Don't listen to me though, I've only been coding since I was 8 in 1980... I encourage you to find out for yourself.
I think you should go back and read that comment on the blog, because all statements are qualified e.g: "conservatively concluded", "moderate evidence".
You on the other hand seem to be certain that it works. So certain that you're using no qualifiers, writing lengthy replies and selectively providing links that support your assertions. When pressed for information you provide a reasonable defense of unit-testing not TDD.
Yes, I know unit-tests are nice when part of a testing strategy together with integration testing, UI testing, etc. I am not at all convinced that TDD is better and you haven't changed that.
I am ignoring personal opinions and blog posts because too many software engineering practices are just popular rituals. TDD proponents need to prove conclusively that TDD is significantly better than selective test-after to offset the productivity loss, and they haven't done that.
TDD forces your code to be tightly focused. It's very hard to write a test for reams of functionality before you write that functionality, so your code is automatically tight (and as a result, easier to refactor, maintain, understand, etc). I don't see how this is so hard to see or why you need empirical evidence for that part at least. A lot of what "value" is is quite subjective, even in programming. You know "good code" when you see it. Why don't you try TDD and form your own opinion?
I used to be a Visual Studio Debugger Wizard (BTW, it's an excellent debugger)... now I don't remember the last time I used a conditional breakpoint.
Working on a codebase designed, from the start, for testability, changed everything. So I totally agree with your last sentence about TDD ; although it took me nearly one year of practice before I could write solid unit tests (which wouldn't break every now and then because of some interface change), and that I still find it hard to write them before the code being tested (however, I do find it harder (impossible?) to write a unit test for code written more than one month ago).
I still use cgdb from time to time, to quickly print a backtrace or the origin of an exception/segfault.
By the way, I have the feeling that language constructs like lazy arguments, RAII, scope(exit), concurrency, and exceptions, make following the flow of control less and less relevant. In the long term, some amount of emancipation from one's debugging tools might be strategic.
I don't see it. Let's say I 'know' that for all sane input my function should return a value between -1000 and 1000. I write some tests for this and they all pass. So far so good.
Now it's a week later and all of a sudden my function is returning -10e8. Where does TDD help me with debugging?
Sometimes debug printfs out a UART or USB if my system lets me, sometimes I'll create a log in memory if I can't printf or if the issue is timing sensitive (which a lot of my work is).
Pen & paper end up being very useful too - often writing out what I'm thinking helps me figure out what's going wrong faster than poking around the code or circuit board.
About the worst I ever had to do was hooking up a logic analyser to the address bus. (This was pre-instruction-cache days.) The software detected a certain error condition and wrote to an unused address decode, which triggered the logic analyzer. We scrolled back through the addresses to find out how we got there! (This may have been during the process of bringing up a board, so we may not have had a UART available to shove debug messages out.)
Hey, you should check out tools like Lauterbach's Power Trace (which seem to be missing from your list), they are quite awesome for debugging embedded SW (especially some seldom reproducible races).
I friggin' love Lauterbach. Their tools are so powerful and scriptable it's insane. When I first opened their debugger I took a look at old-looking interface and wondered what the heck is this shit, but I soon got hooked. Kinda' expensive, but if you work on this every day, it's deff worth it.
Sorry for fanboying out, but it's the first time I hear of them outside of work and I was pleasantly surprised to see them mentioned.
Good debugging is a lot like good science. You start with a firm understanding of the system, form a hypothesis about what could be wrong with it, test your hypothesis, and then repeat. The stronger your initial understanding of the system, the faster you can debug things.
As a Python/JS developer a few print/console.log statements are usually all it takes for me to figure out what's wrong with something. For more thorny situations there's always PDB/chrome dev tools.
At the end of the day, the people who are the best at debugging things aren't that way because of the tools they use. They're the best because they can clearly visualize the system, how data is flowing through it, and where potential problems might arise. Intuition from dealing with other similar problems also helps.
I wrote a pretty long comment about the tools I use for debugging JS, but yeah, in the end the guy who's been here twice as long as me and wrote most of the system can usually debug things in a fraction of the time because he can guess what's causing a problem just from reading a description of the bug.
But I can't give that to people through a comment on HN, so I stuck to tools.
I'm the same, a few console.logs and I've usually found the problem. Meanwhile, others are attaching debuggers to step through code and try to understand it and I've already been done for 30 minutes and got a cup of tea and some crumpets.
Debugging for me is about my using my brain to step through code, not some fancy IDE that stops me from thinking. It wasn't always so easy though, but the first step is to stop using big tools to help you.
While I agree with your assertion that debugging should ultimately happen in the head instead if in the IDE, debuggers can still be useful for console.log folks like us. Because they show you the values of all the variables in scope, a good debugger is basically the ultimate console.log, and can sometimes speed up the diagnosis process by allowing you to check multiple hypotheses in a single program execution.
Also, sometimes even just using console.log can cause bugs to appear or disappear. I recently encountered a bug which was almost impossible to diagnose with console.log, because the string returned by the .toString() call didn't correspond to the real object's actual properties. Of course, this is a rare case, but it highlights the benefit of trying different tools!
Debugging complex race conditions isn't necessarily easy using a debugger either, since halting the passage of time has a tendency to make them go away. Why limit your toolbox? Logging statements and debuggers are both useful methodologies for resolving problems, but in the end, it's as the GP says -- your success is going to depend a lot more on your conceptual understanding of the issue and the application than on the debugging technology.
For threaded langs that might be true - but in js there are no race conditions in that sense, so console.logs are usually fine for debugging "out-of-order" stuff as well. This is ofc opinionated and based on preference, so YMMV.
I'm not even sure if this is worth replying, but I for one use debugger way more than console.log. I also use debugger to try out multiple functions rather than saving code and waiting for a refresh each function I want to test.
In Python I use a small collection of built-ins frequently for debugging:
For any object foo:
type(foo) # show an object's type
dir(foo) # list an object's methods
help(foo) # pydoc
id(foo) # show an object's memory address
foo.__dict__ # show an object's internal data structure
And I have a snippet triggered by "pdb<tab>" for pdb:
One minor benefit of using a "real debugger" is that it makes it easier to stumble across situations or flows that you didn't expect just from a direct-reading of the code.
Granted, often those moments are cases where the code is working correctly but you misunderstood or misremembered things, but the fact that you identified (and resolved) the disconnect is valuable, particularly if you're doing a deep-dive to figure out a nearby problem.
>... is a lot like good science. You start with a firm understanding of the system, form a hypothesis about what could be wrong with it, test your hypothesis, and then repeat. The stronger your initial understanding of the system, the faster you can debug things.
>They're the best because they can clearly visualize the system, how data is flowing through it, and where potential problems might arise
This also applies very well to appsec/vulnerability finding.
Most of my development is done in my own Lisp dialect, which is quite similar to Common Lisp. I use any of five different methods. (4) is the most interesting, and very useful. Does anyone else use it or something similar?
(1) Just add debug statements near where the bug is happening. These print a string, and the name and value of variables. Printed values in Lisp are human-readable, not just a pointer.
(2) Trace selected functions. This outputs the function name, arguments, and return value on function entry and exit.
(3) Use the virtual machine debugger. I can set breakpoints, display the stack, and trace VM instructions, but it's most useful for printing out disassembled compiled code.
(4) Browse data structures in Firefox. While my Lisp is running, a web browser runs in another thread, and every symbol has its own URL. Data structures are displayed as HTML tables.
(5) Unit tests. I've used these to debug complex algorithms, e.g. for event handling, and type inference.
I wrote a version of (4) a few weeks ago for convenience while doing some clojurescript work. I suspect yours is more helpful to you because "knowing state" isn't as useful when you're trying hard to minimize your use of it.
I've never heard of viewing your data structures in a web browser, that's pretty wild. With something like Visual Studio, you can look at data structures in a tree view though.
Let's see what happens next when you debug via logging :
When you actually have an exception and you put a `console.log(some_var);` in your code and then you reach it. Your next step is usually to fix your code and run it again. This time you see the corrected value in your log. Easy fix.
If the problem, though, is caused by some other part of the code, then you need to move the `console.log` statement up in your callers' functions until you see where the problem is. That sucks.
Now let's see what happens when you use a debugger :
When you reach that point, you check your variable, see that there is something wrong with it, check the caller, step inside the caller and manipulate the code, until you see everything is where it is supposed to be. One shot ( run ) fixes all.
Now straight to the point :
> Are you sure it helps more than console logging?
Until you get used to the debugger, you will ask yourself this question. Console logging is bad for recursive functions, loops, huge variables, etc. How many times have you write : `console.log(var);` and then one run later `console.log(var['some property'])` and even go deep?
> Would you be able to debug something without these tools?
Sure :) Sometimes I don't use it at all. e.g. when I'm doing a quick thing and use Sublime Text instead of WebStorm.
> Do you think potentially these tools abstract some of the work away from you?
I haven't run any benchmarks. Maybe I'm a bit slower with a debugger for 90% of the exceptions, but there is always an exception, hard to be console.logged, that compensates all that time.
> Until you get used to the debugger, you will ask yourself this question.
As a counterpoint to this, I was pretty much exclusively a debugger guy for the first 10-12 years of my career. Now I'm pretty much exclusively a logging kind of guy. Familiarity with a debugger has nothing to do with it.
> Console logging is bad for recursive functions, loops, huge variables, etc.
And debuggers are bad for focus/blur event handlers in UI code because they change the focus state of the thing you're trying to debug.
Ultimately, neither of them is perfect, not all problems are alike, one is not an objectively better tool than the other. They both have merits.
I think the print/logging tactic get a little bit of a bad-reputation mainly because of the minority out there who do it because it's the only approach they know how to take.
I start by asking,
Did it used to work?
If so, when did it last work? What changed? When?
Does it work anywhere else?
And most importantly, can you reliably recreate the bug?
Only after I've grappled with these questions will I move onto log analysis, printfs, the debugger, data fuzzing, etc.
I can typically just add print statements and figure out the problem in less time than it would take to setup and attach a debugger. But occasionally, I will use the PyCharm debugger with Python. And even more occasionally, I'll use an assembly level debugger (especially if I'm interested in the system calls, and it is not convenient to attach a Python debugger).
I'm using debug logging ( that isn't deleted ) more and more as I code. It's useful not only for solving the current problem you're experiencing but also helps the next person understand what the code is/isn't doing, adding to its self documenting nature.
Debuggers are great, but the knowledge gained by using them to solve a problem is completely lost once that close button has been pressed.
Also if I'm having to use a debugger to work out what's going on, usually it's a good sign my code is overly complicated...
It depends on the nature of the bug. If it's some behaviour that has changed then i try to isolate it to a test case, if one doesn't already exist. I can then use git to automatically bisect to the offending commit which, nine times out of ten, makes it immediately clear where the bug is. The net result is the bug being fixed and a useful regression test to make sure the bug stays squashed. And i got the vcs to do most of the work for me.
If it's something i think is trivial i'll just use a few print statements. This is 90% of the time.
If i end up with too many print statements then i step into the debugger. Others scoff at debuggers, which is odd because they can be powerful tools. Maybe you only use it once every couple of months, but they can be very helpful. When you're waist deep in the stack, or dealing with action at a distance, trying to fix something in poorly factored code, want to watch a variable, think there's some weird timing issue, need to step down into libraries beyond your control, then debuggers can help.
Don't think of the debugger as a debugger, think of it as a REPL. You just happen to be using the REPL with buggy code.
If I can narrow it down to what line, or even file, is throwing an error I just take a few minutes, read all the code and all the code of branching methods, and then can narrow it down to a single line.
From there it is actually developing a fix. As you mess around with more and more languages, you will notice that most compilers lend something far from a helping hand.
This only works, and I will stress this, for programs under 1 million lines. Past that mark, you need to do some extra steps.
When I debug one million line projects, I narrow it down to a file. I pull out the code from the file, and I mock all of the methods that file calls (This gets REALLY hard with networked code. Trust me). From this small subset, I slowly break the functionality of the external method until I resemble the error being made in the main project. From that I now know the method(s) that are actually causing the problem.
But, there is one thing that this makes an assumption about: your compiler is working.
Put blatantly, they're crap.
Usually they won't show you the correct file causing the error or they will not generate a helpful error. Runtime errors are even worse.
The best thing to do is avoid making the tricky errors. Make unit tests, using fuzzing tests, and well made documentation.
Documentation alone, that details all of the possible output and input states of the function will save you days on some bugs.
In Java, the @Nullable tag is a godsend. Use these features, they WILL help.
If you do tests, fuzzing, and documentation.
Using your brain and some things to make your brain's job easier will make you faster at debugging then any debugger like your buds GDB/DDD setup.
I've done most of my debugging on dynamic languages, where you have a lot of power in the runtime, so my style is based on that. You can perform superpowered feats of uber debugging this way. These are generally also available on other environments, but the tools are less flexible, so they are much harder to pull off, much less inventing a new debugging method on the fly.
So imagine doing things like narrowing down execution to just before and just after your error, then taking snapshots of the runtime memory and diffing the objects. Or a conditional breakpoint that changes the class of a particular instance to a special debug class.
You can do many of the same things in compiled languages, I've since discovered, if you have a decent incremental compile set up, and you use some tactical thinking. But the environment always seems like it's trying to get in your way. (As opposed to a good dynamic environment, which seems more like an eager golden retriever wanting to play more fetch.)
If all goes well, I work through a process like this. I reach for this tool when the bug in question seems to have its source in faulty logic, as opposed to say, resource consumption.
1. Reproduce the bug as consistently as possible.
2. Find a pivot for the bug. Whether this is a previous commit where the bug did not occur, or a piece of code that can be commented out to clear the bug, I need to find some kind of on/off switch for the behavior.
3. I comment out code / insert break points / use git bisect to flip the switch on and off, performing a kind of binary search to narrow the scope of the issue until I have it down to one line or method.
4. Once the source is found, read the surrounding source code to gain context for the error and reason toward a solution.
Of course, this works best if the bug originates from a single source. Sometimes this is not case and there are multiple variables interacting to create the undesirable behavior. That’s when things get really fun :)
In Rust, which I mainly work in these days: Either println using the Debug trait to pretty-print data structures or LLDB. Which is easier kind of depends on the situation, at least for me.
I still use a lot of printfs, but I make heavy use of the debugger. In general, my strategy for difficult bugs is to find a point A where you know the code is working correctly, find point B where you know it's broken and can catch it in the debugger or log, and step forwards from A and backwards from B until you find the bug in the middle.
When debugging difficult, intermittent problems (e.g. non-repro crashes) my strategy is to keep a log of when it occurs, add lots of diagnostics and asserts around where I think the problem is, until hopefully I can catch it in the debugger or notice a pattern.
90% of the work of debugging is creating a quickly reproducible test case. Once you have that you can usually solve it.
Don't see the top comments mentioning that, so I will chip in: I always, whenever possible, try to reproduce the bug in tests first, before launching debugger / adding some statements, etc.
Being able to quickly reproduce the bug time and time again makes a big difference. Some permanent verification that it's actually fixed (at least in the given case) at the end of the session is also nice and adds a lot when doing a major refactoring or something similar. Especially for bugs related to the domain specific requirements, rather than the technical ones.
I actually use that as an interview question: "A user reports a bug. What do you do?". Ideally they mention "writing a failing test" somewhere before "fire up the debugger".
It depends strongly on the circumstances of course.
As a Java developer I rely heavily on using the debugger in Eclipse and using grep to search through files. I first try to have a solid understanding of what the program is supposed to do, reproduce the bug, and then step through the code with a debugger to understand why the bug is happening. Other times I just try to find where the bug is happening, and working backwards to the root of the cause of the problem just be reading the code. This works most of the time, but as a junior developer most of the issues I have to debug are not too complex.
One very important "soft skill" aspect to debugging code is time and ego management. There are times when all I want to do is "solve the problem" and if it means losing 4 hours of sleep over it, my obsession will let it happen. But I'm starting to learn there should be thresholds before letting the problem go and asking for help. Sometimes the fastest way to solving a problem isn't brute forcing it, but getting away from the problem, letting it simmer, or asking someone more experienced.
Another aspect of ego management is constantly keeping in mind that you could be wrong, while trying to track down some tricky problem.
I remember quite a few times sitting next to someone trying to debug something, asking something like: "So are we sure that parameter there is correct?" ... they'll say "Oh yeah, that's definitely not the problem" ... fifteen minutes later, after bashing our heads on the desk a bit, we actually check that value: "Whoa, what?! That's impossible!"
I work with mainly Javascript. I like to log everything, so I rarely need to use debuggers. When I have to, the Chrome developer is all you need. You can even use it to debug Node stuff
depends mostly on the type of issue, i don't believe that there's a one size fits all sort of solution. for timing sensitive issues or core dumps, it's typically low level things like gdb, trace, etc. for memory issues, obviously tools like valgrind, etc help.
in the olden days when i used ide's like visual studio or netbeans, i'd often times leverage their native debuggers to set watchpoints and step through code. but those days are over, now i mostly use interpreted languages like python, ruby, and compiled languages like golang (highly recommended). print statements are the way to go, especially if you're writing server side code (restful apis, websockets, etc), you'll want the log information as you won't be able to attach a debugger to a production system.
just a random thought based on this topic, if debug/log/print statements were detailed enough, one could actually take a log file and write some code to parse that and transform into test cases in your favorite test framework, that may have some effect on saving time writing test cases. for production bugs, you could take the log output as the reproducer steps to generate test cases to cover this.
and i really liked the comment about tdd and more importantly unit testing, it's critical and helps developers better organize their code.
I code in Python and use a step through debugger all the time. It's especially helpful when its other peoples code I am debugging, or when I am digging deep into Django to work out why something isn't working. And its possible to set up debugging on a remote server (though I personally never managed to get that set up and working).
GDB and some fprintf calls cut it most of the time. The worst kind of bug is when the program segfaults into oblivion and works fine under GDB but in 99% of the cases that's related to uninitialized memory, which might be a bit hard to find but is quite simple to fix (it's the worst because it sometimes takes a while to figure out where you forgot to initialize variables when it's unrelated to a new change and happened to just not occur during previous changes).
I copy-paste something different from stackexchange. If that doesn't work in the first 10-20 tries I post a question describing my problem as abstractly as possible
I have a couple of things I do depending on the code I'm working on. With the firmware I work in debugging is tricky because normally stopping the world with gdb messes up the delicate dance going on. Also the processor only has two hardware break points which isn't enough frankly.
However I do use gdb from the command line on occasion. Code I write is pretty heavy on global variable and with gdb you can poke about and see what they are. You can also use gdb to look at internal processor modules.
To get around the limits of not being able to use break points I have a command line interface built into the firmware, which I use to poke and prod for debugging. I'm dimly aware that almost no one else does this, but can't for the life of me figure out how people get by without it.
I also have a critical error handler that can save information off to a no init section of memory and then reset, recover and then log the error via the serial port on startup and via the radio. This is useful because for instance I have that hooked into the bus fault interrupt, so I can pull the offending instructions address off the call stack. The binutils program addr2line.exe rats out the offending line of code about 99% of the time.
For timing related stuff I make heavy use of toggling port pins and watching what happens with an oscilloscope.
For networking stuff sometimes I use wireshark.
For C#/.net development I use Visual Studio and logging either to a window or to a file. However I've noticed that when other programmers work on my code they immediately delete that stuff and switch to printing to 'stderror'.
IntelliJ has great debugging integration with JS / PHP / Scala (the tools I use currently).
Set a breakpoint in the code, refresh the browser, and all the variables in the scope will be annotated with their value at break time.
This is really what you're after when you're println debugging - it has the advantage of showing you everything in a minimally intrusive way which is helpful when you don't know what you're looking for exactly.
If you're doing something like play in scala you usually need the program running in the Intellij context, but it can also hook up to the debugging port of a JVM or to the PHP interpreter running inside of a VM.
IntelliJ is a pretty complete suite of a tools, a pleasure to use (has VIM mode too :P)
This is a great question! I tend to find my debugging practice differs depending on the language I’m using and the array of problems, but the recurring common denominator is printf.
In Python I mostly rely on print(f) debugging, especially when working on multiprocessing programs, which I do rather frequently. With multiprocessed Python, pdb is useless. pdb is great, but not for a multi-process program. Most of my issues are related to sub-optimal API documentation that fails to point out argument types, and find I do a lot of trial-and-error programming, for which printf’s are great. Occasionally I drop into `import pdb; pdb.set_trace()` to inspect objects or the REPL to try out ideas.
JavaScript is an interesting beast where, next to console.log, I find myself using linters a great deal. A linter isn’t as sophisticated as compile-time checks, but does a frightfully good job at most trivial mistakes that are hard to debug in runtime. I often find myself running the linter under watch(1) so it updates when I make changes.
In Perl and shell, which I use ever more infrequently, the equivalent of the printf debugging is the norm. The only language I have found the debugger to be the first choice has been Java.
With Rust, I find myself resorting to a debugger surprisingly seldom. Its type system and the safety checks in the compiler catches most of the mistakes I make.
I don’t do much C programming anymore, but if I did, I would be interested in using rr (, which allows you to record a run of the program and replay it _exactly_ as it was the first time, essentially letting you reproduce and fix race conditions.
Debugging anything starts with the concept of repeatedly splitting the failing system in two.
You check that the input is good and verify the output is bad. Then split the process in two. If things look good in the middle, split the second half and check. If things look bad in the middle, split the first half and check. Repeat this process until you have isolated the bad portion of the process to an indivisible step.
As I mostly work on PHP and JS will try to explain how my debugging session usually goes. Most of the bugs are easily reprodusable so for them I just go straight for the file and setup xdebug via PhpStorm. And that almost always gets fixed quickly since I have a good idea what went wrong.
But not all the bugs are easy to solve. The worst kind of bugs are hard/impossible to reproduce. For them my approach is to suspected places where it could occur and add logging, and just wait until it occurs again(sometimes it takes weeks or even months). So I am trying to log how the data flows through the system by isolating the direction to look for.
For example: I'm yet to find cause of the mystery of the MS Word and TinyMCE, where sometimes it will not strip out microsoft's formatting. It only occurs about once a month. I wrote a simple alert script which sends me an email when this happens and I can get to the person in seconds(most of the users are in the same office), and try to reproduce the exact moment when it occured on users computer.
My fix was just show an error asking users to repaste exact same text which then works as expected.
Doesn't have to be rocket science really, (unless that is what you are doing). For web development, it's code, refresh browser, repeat. With a tail -f on the application/server logs usually does the trick.
But I think IDE's can't beat real-time debuggers, like console.log or Ruby's bettererrors gem, having full real-time access to application logic/code at the spot, you can't beat that.
It always helps if you can see the code run line by line. For instance in Django, I use ipdb (import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()) to check the state of variables and check where they are not what they were supposed to be. Similarly in JS, by adding break points. For compiled languages it has been a tough job, however its more or less the same.
Obviously the first step is to create a reproducible test case. But after that it becomes a bit more involved.
For most bugs I look at, I usually wish that Linux had DTrace. I can't tell you how many weird bugs I've found where finding the solution would've been debugged in 20 minutes of DTracing. For example, I'm currently investigating a weird memory leak in Docker that actually appears to be a reference leak in the Go runtime. It took me several days to figure out it was a bug in the runtime (if I had DTrace I could've found symptoms of the issue much faster).
But in general, most of the bugs I find can be debugged with some print statements if I can correctly make an educated guess where the bug lies. For other sorts of issues, unit tests or creating minimal test cases works pretty well and for everything else I'll jump into a debugger if it's really necessary.
I think you've asked your question poorly, because it will very much depend on what it is you're debugging. Obj-C for an iOS project? Xcode and its usable visual debugger. Good luck using that if you're writing for embedded, though, or if you're writing for a "Made for iPhone" accessory that uses your one-and-only USB debugging port, in which case you'll want to hit the man pages for printf.
JavaScript? I dunno, do they even make debuggers for JS? (I'm being facetious; I rarely work with JS.) Whatever is used, I'll bet it will involve something about a browser and a dev console.
Statically-typed language? Dynamic? Makes a difference.
Point is, 90% of whatever answers you receive here will not be well-suited to your particular situation.
Bisect and binary search.
If the Module has been found that produces the error, I go to the fault-lines.
These are:
Data-Input and Filtering.
States outside of the Set of accepted States (Anticipation-Error - the reason why every time you write else/default for anything else then a error- that's a error).
Those points inside the code, where you switch between two brain language-models (arithmetic/data-handling) (procedural/object-orientated), (relational/ list-think), (value/state-handling) etc.
If you do that right, you can skip the reading and go right for the beef. Breakpoint.
Last but not least - good architecture, worst heisenbug wont cost you as much as the smallest architecture error.
Like most of the other comments, I generally use printf / MessageBox statements for most things.
But since I work on consumer desktop software, occasionally a customer will encounter a problem that I can't replicate on my dev machine, and their bug description doesn't help me locate the problem. In that case, I try to duplicate the customer's system as much as possible: I have Parallels Desktop & VM images of almost every version of Windows, and I can configure the amount of RAM. Sometimes it's easier to ask the customer to run a special Debug build, but if they're not very tech savvy, Parallels can often help me reproduce the bug myself.
As many others have mentioned, having a consistent bug reproduction methodology is vital, a strong mental model of the SW and its various components is important, and a willingness to dive deep and question assumptions is critical. Ie don't always expect your compilers or various OSes to be infallible.
I use a lot of Golang. I write a logf() and a recoverFrom() function that only has a body in debug builds. Then I pepper the code that I want to debug with panic()s and logf()s. After it's done, it goes into a test file.
I also output my code to .dot format to visualize the flow of data quite a bit. This is extremely useful in statemachine like stuff - I basically can create animated gifs (well, not really, it's more of me pressing right on my image viewer) to watch how my programs execute.
Why not Delve? I do actually use Delve. Just not as much as logf()s and panic()s.
Hmm.. in retrospect, I also dump a lot of data (neural network weights for example) into csv for debugging
I've always found debugging primarily via logging statements strange, we have interactive debuggers which allow us to pause execution, analyze the current stack and monitor your variables to ensure correct values and people still feel that writing stuff to the console is the best way to debug?
That being said, I'm not trying to take anything away from log-based debugging, there have been many times when log-based debugging has saved my bacon, but it feels strange that there is almost an attitude of interactive debuggers being "lesser" in these comments.
It's just science: debugging is the art of generating and testing hypotheses about the behavior of a complex system, so what's important is that you can run an experiment, observe the results, and update your model accordingly. Logging may not be the best way to debug a problem but sometimes it is the only way to debug a problem - interactive debuggers may or may not be able to help, depending on the situation, but "write code that produces data, run the code, look at the data, learn what the code did" is a strategy which always gets the job done.
When you have a choice between a primitive tool which will definitely work and a sophisticated tool which may or may not work, sometimes you just want to get on with it, and whatever time you have to spend thinking about your tools is time you can't spend thinking about the problem you're actually trying to solve.
I once debugged a bootloader issue on an embedded device with no feedback but a single blinking LED. It took a while, but I kept trying different things, "logging" the program's output via patterns of blinks, and staring at that flashing light through test after test eventually told me what I needed to know.
On the other end of the scale, during the minute or so I worked at Google, the "library" I worked on that various "applications" would "link against" was actually an armada of independent processes on separate machines in a giant datacenter firing reams of HTTP requests and responses at each other. Stopping one of them and interrogating it via debugger would have been about as informative as the conversation I'd have with an ant if I caught it in a jar and asked why its friends decided to have a party in my kitchen.
Between those extremes, there undoubtedly exist many places where interactive debuggers would be useful; but having spent enough time unable to count on them, the effort it takes to use such tools grows increasingly difficult to justify.
I use vim as my editor, so I tend to use print statements.
I do use the perl debugger though when I am writing perl and when there is a need. The benefit to this debugger is that it comes built into the language.
I try to figure out the error condition "parent is null" or "order is placed but item count is zero" or whatever the error condition might be.
Then just put a conditional breakpoint and wait for it to confirm the error and break. Once there I can probably reason backwards to an earlier state that led to the error condition such as "an item must have been removed from a placed order" so again a conditional breakpoint in the remove method with the condition that the order is already placed. Rinse repeat.
Most bugs are pretty easy to find - what I would love to hear of is unusual ways of finding hard to reproduce bugs. The sort of bug that only shows up non-deterministically after the program has been running for 48 hours, bugs that come from third party closed source libraries, bugs that only occur on remote customer machines.
One thing I have found helpful is to compile the code using different compilers and on different platforms. A bug that is hard to reproduce on one OS can become deterministic on another OS.
These are the 3 questions I ask my team on non-deterministic errors:
- Can you reproduce it? (locally)
- No? Then can they reproduce it? (remotely)
- No? Then can you follow the flow byte-by-byte by just looking at the code? You should.
If you can reproduce it, great, you can most probably brute force your way into the cause with local monkey-logging or step-by-step debugging.
If a customer can reproduce it then you may have a shot at remote debugging, injecting logging or requesting a dump of some sort. That's why it's important for an app to have good tools built-in so a customer can send back useful debug info.
If you can't reproduce it, then give it a shot at following the flow byte-by-byte. Either mentally, with test cases or a combination of both. Here's a quick guide from the top of my head:
- determine if there are black spots where the variable, stack, heap etc. could have unexpected data or your assumptions could be wrong or your understanding of the language, library or any technology supporting the logic could be incomplete or needs a reread of the manual.
- order your black spots by probability, starting with the most vulnerable code related to the bug (ie, for that infinite loop bug the recursive function tops the rank for weak spot)
- now compare the bug symptoms against such vulnerable code to check if there's 100% match. That way you make sure all symptoms can be caused by the alleged culprit.
- do negative symptom match also, thinking of symptoms that would be caused by that fault and make sure they can be observed (ie, the recursive function writes zeros to a file beside looping forever - did it happen?)
- if there's more than one possible cause, apply Occram's razor: the simpler one, with the least assumptions, although unlikely, is the cause.
- if no possible explanation exists still, start over with less moving parts.
- if a vulnerable fragment as been identified, but no concrete cause or solution found, rewrite the code for robustness, with plenty of assertions, complementary logging and clear error messages. This is a good practice every time you revisit code it should come out cleaner and more robust than before.
If you can reproduce the bug 99% of the problem is solved. I doubt I have spent more than a day fixing a bug that I could reliably trigger.
It is the non-deterministic bugs that drive me crazy. I have one bug where a call to a third party library randomly fails but only after the program has been running for days (no it is not a memory leak). If I make a cut down stub then the error never occurs even after running for a week. My best guess is I am trashing memory somewhere, but under valgrind everything is fine. Arg!
At the moment, I'm teaching myself Hack and how to use Vagrant, and I'm debugging through nano. It's tedious and frustrating, but on the upside, it forces me to write extremely simple code just so I can keep debugging time (and the size of the errors) to a minimum.
I've also gotten into the habit of building SDL projects in Visual Studio to use the console so I can just dump whatever I want into it.
I'm probably an example of what not to do in many cases, but still get the job done.
I look at the error message and the Traceback if there is one, then i go to the code line in question.
If there is no Exception and there is som kind of logic bug.
I search my way to the logic code with the issue by greping and reading.
When i have found the approximate location of the issue i will probably set up some var_dump's or log.Println in the code to get a better understanding of what is happening.
I work on a Windows-based point-of-sale product, so my time is spent inside Visual Studio. Most of the time I use the remote debugger attached to a virtual machine. For reproducing issues from production, good logging is key. From our logging we can easily retrace the steps that caused the issue. I also occasionally use memory dumps and network captures to help track down production issues.
Can anyone explain how should I go about writing unit tests for JavaScript? The code mostly creates the ui (i.e. create button and input controls dynamically) and then displays and updates data. We thought about using intern but I don't really know what should the tests be about. The backend is already test driven so I don't have to test that the data is actually saved.
For particularly bad problems, after exhausting standard methods, I start writing a stackoverflow question or a help request to someone on my team. I barely ever have to send it, this just forces me to spell out an exhaustive list of things that I've tried (or forgot to try). Eventually I figure out what I've missed, and if not, I have a help request all ready to go!
That's awesome - just today I was trying to hand off an "investigate failure X..." bug, and in the process of fleshing out the email, it transformed itself into a "method X should handle exception Y from method Z" bug.
I use whatever tools I can get my hands on. Debuggers, disassemblers, tracers, file snoopers, memory snoopers, datacomm snoopers, code isolation, in-circuit emulators, soft emulators, print statements, lamp toggles, jtag, breakout boards, even sound. If it'll speed up my debugging session, I'll use it.
I'm a hobbyist who's slowly making the transition to professional work. Almost all of my work has been solo, and I've gotten away with using print statements for almost all of my debugging work. I work mostly in Python, and I'm going to start using the logging module in my next project.
Windows prod: DebugDiag to get the dumps, combo of VS, DebugDiag and the various native debuggers for analysis. Dumps created by the user or the system are also input.
Windows event tracing is also absolutely fantastic IF you have it.
I follow the data. If a network/USB/Bluetooth program, I fire up wireshark. Text/binary outputting programs, hexdump. Looking at a single piece of invalid output gives me a lot more insight into the problems a lot faster.
Print statements and assertions. I rarely use a debugger, except coupled with something like Valgrind ("drop me into GDB if I use uninitialised memory") or to examine a core dump generated by a failed assertion.
I mostly write C++ code on Linux systems. I use ddd for interactive debugging in bigger projects. For throwaway code(C++ & Python), I just use print statements.
Like the other commenter, I mainly use JS. The Chrome Development Tools are all I need. Breakpoints, conditional breakpoints, and walking through the call stack are the main tools. Adding watch expressions is pretty handy sometimes so I can quickly run through a loop with a breakpoint, just hitting continue repeatedly, and watch the values change while just hitting F8.
Next most important thing is the network requests tab-- seeing what data is coming back from the server, if any, is indispensable.
If I'm debugging minified code that we haven't set up source maps for yet, I'll find a string literal in the source to match up the minified code to unminified code so I can see what I'm doing anyway by looking back and forth.
When I have to reproduce a bug, I often use the FormFiller extension for Chrome to quickly navigate our forms without having to fill them out.
I use EditThisCookie (another Chrome extension) to modify or view the cookie as I work, or to delete it to start a session from scratch. I don't like Incognito mode because I don't have my extensions and it doesn't maintain breakpoints when the tab is closed and reopened.
With regards to the call stack, being able to black-box certain scripts is awesome. You can right click a script in the sources explorer on the left side of the DevTools and black-box it, which will stop it showing up in the call stack. No more jQuery / Angular / Underscore calls cluttering my callstack!
What else...whenever I'm debugging CSS I always just do it in DevTools so I can see changes on the fly to figure out the problem.
I also used to use the handy "debugger" statement now and then, although I use it less and less these days since it's the same as a breakpoint but takes slightly more effort. Mostly only use it when I already have the code open in my editor and don't feel like manually finding that point in execution in the's kind of like "go-to this line."
Ctrl+P in sources of DevTools allows fuzzy search among files. Which is awesome.
There have been times I've used the XHR breakpoints, Event Listener breakpoints, and DOM breakpoints, but it's really rare for me. Definitely though there are cases where I'm not sure where an event is originating from and these have very much come in handy at those times. Underneath those on the right of the sources you can also see a total list of all active event listeners, which is also nice.
I'll add more thoughts if I think of anything else...I guess I'm mostly talking about my tools here. With regards to my thought process, that's more complex...hmm. I guess I try to figure out what the desired behavior is, try to see what the actual behavior is and how consistent it is, then see if I can find the code that controls that part of the application. If I don't already know, I Inspect Element on the page, find an element id or something, then look it up in our code and follow the trail to whatever's controlling the page and relevant behavior. From there it's just careful examination of the logic to find the flaw, using all the tools above.
I occasionally have to use incognito to test without cookies (Recaptcha uses my Google login for instance) so just wanted to mention that you can selectively enable extensions in Incognito mode. Go to settings->extensions and click on 'Allow in Incognito' for whichever extensions you need.
Thank you for mentioning FormFiller. I had never even considered using an extension for this. I usually just quickly put garbage in and tab my way through the form. This will save me some time! Aside from that my workflow is actually incredibly similar to yours.
As a side note: I find the "debugger" statement does not always trigger properly, making me manually set a breakpoint anyway.
As an operations dude (or, at least, a recovering one) I've spent much of my professional life fighting post-deploy issues at the coal face, which almost always involves (when it's an app issue) digging into the code; even when we do that though, an important bit is observing what the boxes are doing in real time (we're not all dumb "INSTALL RPM AND RESTART" guys!) so we can explain impact and mitigate.
Usually, my goal then is to either:
1) Find a configuration / infra issue we can solve (best outcome for everyone)
2) Give the most info to dev to enable a code fix, and roll back/mitigate in the interim.
In the last few years, people have paid me lots of money to build these really cool ELK or Splunk log chewing systems for them, which I have to admit, are utterly useless to me. There are really great monitoring tools which give me historical graphs of stuff I usually don't care about too.. but... I, and most of the folks I run with don't really reach for these tools when we hit a prod issue as the first resort.
Lets say, hypothetically, a customer of mine has an issue where some users are getting timeouts out on some API or another. We got alerted through some monitoring or whatever, and so we start taking a look.
First step, for me is always login a webserver at random (or all of them) and look at the obvious. Logs. Errors. dmesg. IO. Mem. Processes. The pretty graph ELK tools can tell me this info, but what I want to look at next is easier to jump to when I'm already there, than trying to locate IOWAIT in something like splunk.
All looks good on the web servers. Ok. Lets check out the dbs in one term and the apps in another. You follow the request though the infra. Splunk or ELK can tell me one of my apps is eating 25,000 FDs but then what? I need to login anyway. Next on the list are tools like strace/truss, iostat, netstat and so on which will immediately tell you if it's an infra/load/config issue, and we go from there. Down into the rabbit hole.
The point I'm trying to make is; for me at least, the tools we're deploying and being paid well to deploy now like dataloop, newrelic, splunk and so on are actually useless for solving real-time prod issues (for me personally, and my crew, at least) because they only expose a very small amount of info, and almost regardless of the issue I'll need to be on the box looking at something unique to the problem to either explain the impact of it or to mitigate it.
As I said though, I'm a recovering ops person and I'm doing dev these days. I still tend to use print statements when I hit a bug; although since I'm now mostly doing Erlang, bugs are rare and usually trivial to track down.
- If I know what's the problem just by looking at the bug, I go fix it.
- If I do not know what's the problem, I do everything in my power to reproduce the bug and maybe write a test (as small as possible) that triggers the bug. I enable logging or write a special log function to track relevant state in case the bug is rare.
- Once I know what triggers the bug, I should know the general direction of where in the code it is. I start printing various variables and parameters in case it's a low-hanging fruit like wrong sign or stuff like that.
- If I do not succeed with that, I comment out half of the code and look if the bug persists. If it does, then I know it's in the other half. If it does not, then I know it's in this half. I proceed with this binary search until I am down to 1 statement, which takes a logarithmic amount of steps. I found the bug. I fix it. (This does not work if the bug is in two places or if the bug is a bad memory operation that triggers a bug later)
- Real debuggers like valgrind are rarely necessary if you're familiar enough with the program. In fact, unless you're dealing with the hairiest of hairy memory problems and heisenbugs, you probably do not need a debugger at all. Debuggers are useful to debug e.g. generated assembly when you write a compiler.
Just a note that Valgrind is not usually considered a debugger, AFAIK.
Also, If you are coding in C or C++, I highly recommend running your programs through Valgrind.
Thank you for pointing that out, Ono-Sendai. You're right, Valgrind is not a debugger. Can you tell me more about why you recommend running my C and C++ programs through Valgrind? The last time I needed Valgrind was a couple of years ago.
I recommend running programs through Valgrind, because it's great at finding bugs :)
It will find many things like memory leaks, uninitialised variables, writes past end of arrays etc.. that aren't easy to find otherwise.
This is a great question and I am curious as to how others do it as well. I primarily code in nodejs and usually I just add console logs to give me visibility, however I feel like this is primitive and time consuming.
I have played around with node-inspector, but I have found that it's awfully slow, particularly with really large arrays or objects. So I eventually just abandoned it. It seems like a good idea, and might be worth revisiting in the future.
I rarely enter an interactive debugger. I have TONS of logging statements I can toggle. I make program execution as deterministic and reproducible as possible (for example, all random numbers are generated from random number generators that are passed around). When something goes wrong, I turn on (or add) logging and run it again. Look for odd stuff in the log files. If it doesn't make sense, add more logging. Repeat.
I worked on a pretty large videogame in the 90s where /everything/ was reproducible from a "recording" of timestamped input that was automatically generated. The game crashed after half an hour of varied actions? No problem, just play the recording that was automatically saved and attached to the crash report. It was amazing how fast we fixed bugs that might otherwise take weeks to track down.