Sounds different from "missing" stop signs. Sadly, I see people come to rolling stops at most stop signs... so much so that it makes me feel like I'm the only one wasting my time doing it right.
It's one of the many things that make me wild about the idea of letting computers do the driving. Zipper-merging, slowing to time lights instead of stopping, and no rubbernecking are wonders of the future I can't wait to enjoy.
Which must be why "stop means STOP!!!" was repeated very forcefully by the driving instructor and the friendly police officer multiple times during my driving course.
In what country or state? In California they definitely mean you must make a full stop. Also people seem to have forgotten any of the rules of priority at stop lights. (Straight and right always come before left. Right on red is below everything else.)
It's one of the many things that make me wild about the idea of letting computers do the driving. Zipper-merging, slowing to time lights instead of stopping, and no rubbernecking are wonders of the future I can't wait to enjoy.